FASTAPI jwt authentication weather app
in my case i have installed python3.11, python 2.x - python 3.6 might not support the this code
install all the dependencies from requirments.txt as => python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
some other dependencies are => python3 -m pip install requests
activate ther server with => python3 -m uvicorn main:app --reload
default server running at host =>
dynamic API docs by OPENAPI avaliable at host => containing api routes containing prototype of database model schemas
auth_handler containing decoding, encoding, returning jwt token
When doing import jwt it is importing the library JWT as opposed to PyJWT - the latter is the one you want for encoding. I did python3 -m pip uninstall JWT and python3 -m pip uninstall PyJWT then python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt