Released 2024-03-27
feat: add Prometheus Windows Exporter as optional chart dependency #3569
feat(logs): make logs-collector's update strategy configurable #3596
feat(events): support global nodeSelector, tolerations and affinity #3565
chore(operatorinstr): add possibility to configure additional env vars for instrumentation #3567
feat: schedule collection on linux nodes only #3570
chore: remove clear_logs_timestamp from otelcol configuration #3574
chore: drop support for Kops 1.24 #3581
chore: Upgrade Opentelemetry-operator subchart to v0.47.1 #3583
chore: Upgrade metrics server to 6.11.2 #3584
feat(sumologicmock): use full hostname #3585
feat(otellogs): allow to override all properties within additionalDaemonsets #3586
chore: update Sumo Logic Terraform Provider to 2.28.3 #3592
chore: update Tailing Sidecar to 0.11.0 #3603
chore(setup): upgrade setup job to 3.12.1 #3608
fix(sumologic-mock): fix nodeSelector #3564
fix(instr): fix backward configuration compatibility for instrumentation resources #3573
fix(logs): add container_name_key to source processor configuration to fix container-level annotations #3582
fix(metrics): change targetallocator ServiceAccount name #3604
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