Full and clean configurations for development environment on GNU Linux, macOS and Cygwin.
- GNU Linux, macOS, Cygwin
- git, zsh, curl/wget
- Recommend: GNU Emacs, tmux
- Optional: Vim
Run this command in the console.
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://github.com/seagle0128/dotfiles/raw/master/install.sh)"
sh -c "$(wget https://github.com/seagle0128/dotfiles/raw/master/install.sh -O -)"
cd ~/.dotfiles
docker build -t centaur/ubuntu .
docker run -it centaur/ubuntu zsh
: cd into the selected directory.Ctrl-g
: Paste the recent path(s) fr{}omz
history into the command line.Ctrl-r
: Paste the selected command from history into the command line.Ctrl-t
: Paste the selected file path(s) into the command line.
That's it. Enjoy!
Add your zsh environments in ~/.zshenv
. This is recommended by ZSH officially.
For example:
export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:$PATH
export PATH=$HOME/.rbenv/shims:$PATH
export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages
Set your personal zsh configurations in ~/.zshrc.local
. For example:
# theme
antigen theme ys # ys, dst, steeef, wedisagree, robbyrussell
# plugins
antigen bundle python
antigen bundle ruby
Set your git configurations in ~/.gitconfig.local
, e.g. user credentials.
# Sign commits using GPG.
# https://help.github.com/articles/signing-commits-using-gpg/
gpgsign = true
name = John Doe
email = [email protected]
signingkey = XXXXXXXX
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