This project contains a "mystery" object to test the use of Git for tracing projects. The object will be built up by members of the team adding their own traces to the XML files in this repository.
Each member of the Reconstruct team is encouraged to clone this repository and work on a few sections of the "mystery object" in Reconstruct. When you've added a trace or two (or modified someone else's traces), please commit and push your changes back to the GitHub repository and see what kinds of conflicts arise. Eventually, the entire object should be completed by the team.
Several members of the Reconstruct team traced different portions of the "Mystery Object" and shared those traces via GitHub to develop the final 3D model shown below. Thanks to everyone who participated.
Lyndsey was here
Dusten was here (worked on sections 3-7).
Dakota was only here in spirit.
Bob was here (worked on sections 1 and 2).
Bob: I'm going to add the missing object to Section 5 and work on 30 through 35.
Bob: Done with 30 though 35 (although they could use some professional help).
Dakota: Working on sections 15-29 (NO TOUCH). Will also review and modify section 30-35 traces as needed.
Dusten: Tracing sections 36-50 (15 sections)
Dakota: Done with 15 - 29 and cleaned up Bob's traces on 30-35. Also re-named trace on section 34 from "domain2" to "domain1"