Accompanying ION-ITM-2020 paper "Robust GNSS Estimation using Factor Graphs, Modified Gaussian Mixture Model and a Transformed Domain Method"
Note: The dataset cannot by distributed here since it is owned and kindly provided by Dr. Daniele Borio and Dr. Ciro Gioia from JRC, Ispra, Italy, and please do check their paper "Robust Interference Mitigation: a Measurement and Position Domain Assessment" also on ION-ITM-2020. Contact them for allowance of the dataset. Also thanks to the open-sourced code by R.M. Watson, J.N. Gross, C.N. Taylor, R.C. Leishman. Without the code, this paper cannot be possible. Their paper is titled “Enabling Robust State Estimation through Measurement Error Covariance Adaptation,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace Electronic Systems, 2019, Early Access. The code can be accessed at and their data can be accessed at