0.16 Double Eight
Date: 2023-07-25
Version: 0.16
- New: AGP 8.0.2, AGP 8.1-rc, AGP 8.2-beta
- New: Gradle 8.0.2, Gradle 8.1.1, Gradle 8.2.1, Gradle 8.3-rc-1
- New: Revived Graph visualization plugin
- Breaking: Removed support for AGP 3.x, AGP 4.x
- Breaking: Removed support for Gradle 5.x, Gradle 6.x
For the full list of changes see release milestone and diff.
- Remove support: AGP 3.x, AGP 4.x, Gradle 5.x, Gradle 6.x.
Supported now: AGP 7.0-8.2, Gradle 7.0-8.3 (Epic #369)- Remove Gradle 5.x and 6.x support (implies AGP 3.x and 4.x support removed) (#434, #322)
- Remove most of AGP pre-7.x code (#435)
- Clean up outdated language dependencies (Java 8, Kotlin 1.3) (#439)
- Remove all mentions of instant app in AGP (#375/#449)
- Migrate AndroidManifest.xml to namespace (#233/#450)
- Modernize testing frameworks and test fixtures (#452)
- settings.gradle.kts consistently in all tests (#460)
- Bump build-tools versions (#469/#471)
- Cutting edge support: AGP alpha/beta/rc CI, Gradle RCs
- Nagging settings plugin: since Gradle 8.3 it's necessary to add a separate plugin (apart from bringing in the classpath with
):plugins { id("net.twisterrob.gradle.plugin.nagging") version "..." }
- Graph, see https://www.twisterrob.net/project/gradle-graph/
- dependencies: Android Gradle Plugin 8.0, 8.1, 8.2 (#470, #502)
- dependencies: Gradle
- Accessing value buildConfigFields has no effect as the feature buildConfig is disabled. (#553/#470/#550)
- Do not ignore needed Kotlin internals. (#493/#552)
- Gradle caching, configuration cache, best practices
- dependencies:
build: Improvements
- Move root build.gradle.kts to Gradle convention plugins (#169/#466)
- Gradle Enterprise 3.12.4 to 3.14 (#430, #436, #468, #486, #488, #492, #534, #548)
- org.gradle.toolchains:foojay-resolver from 0.5.0 to 0.6.0 (#545)
- com.gradle.plugin-publish 1.1.0 to 1.2.0 (#453)
- Kotlin from 1.8.10 to 1.9.0 (#459, #480, #521, #540)
- Dokka from 1.8.10 to 1.8.20 (#512)
- Detekt from 1.22.0 to 1.23.0 (#490)
dependencies: Testing
Full Changelog: v0.15.1...v0.16