const chris = {
degree: {
name: "software engineering",
year: "4th"
openToCollaboration: true,
askMeAbout: ["gaming", "literally anything", "the universe", "cool tech", "desmos", "robots"],
endGoal: "Wanting to make the world a better and safer place for everyone",
personalWebsiteHref: "",
technologies: {
frontEnd: {
css: "proficient",
javascript: "proficient",
react: "learning",
html: "proficient",
flutter: "learning"
backEnd: {
python: "advanced",
go: "proficient",
c: "proficient",
cpp: "proficient",
rust: "learning",
java: "proficient",
dart: "learning",
sql: "proficient"
miscellaneous: {
git: "intermediate",
selenium: "proficient",
matLab: "proficient",
r: "proficient",
ahk: "proficient",
shell: "proficient",
bash: "proficient",
regex: "proficient"
// Yes I know this is technically wrong, I just think it looks better this way <3
You can reach me through LinkedIn messages or any other way you can find.