- This library may only be used as a dependency in software projects.
- Modification is prohibited. (Pull Requests are allowed)
- This library is allowed to be repackaged, unmodified, into your own binaries for distribution.
- Repackaging as shown below with the Gradle Shadow plugin is allowed, and encouraged.
- Redistribution of this library as a standalone product is prohibited.
- Attribution is not required.
- ModDevGradle is recommended.
- (version 2.0.76 is being used for this example)
- The gradle shadow plugin is recommended.
plugins {
id 'net.neoforged.moddev' version "${mdg_version}"
id 'com.gradleup.shadow' version '8.3.3'
configurations {
shadowJar {
configurations = [project.configurations.shade]
relocate 'tamaized.beanification', 'your.package.beanification'
repositories {
maven {
name 'Beanification'
url 'https://maven.tamaized.com/releases/'
dependencies {
def beanification = "tamaized:beanification:${project.minecraft_version}-${project.beanification_version}"
implementation beanification
shade beanification
testImplementation "${beanification}:tests"
testCompileOnly "${beanification}:test-sources"
build.dependsOn shadowJar
In your main @Mod
public class YourMod {
static {
// (Optional) Configure the BeanContext, must be called before #init
// General Setup
// This overload can be used instead to register beans directly
BeanContext.init(context -> {
context.register(YourComponent.class, new YourComponent());
context.register(YourComponent.class, "someName", new YourExtendedComponent());
private YourComponent yourComponent; // Injected at runtime, not actually null.
private YourComponent yourNamedComponent; // Will be an instance of YourExtendedComponent
public YourMod() {
// Enables @Autowired to function with non-static fields in the main @Mod class
For further details, view the javadoc for:
- Autowired
- Bean
- Component
- PostConstruct
- Configurable
A gradle plugin is required for this annotation to work as it modifies bytecode during compile time to inject BeanContext.injectInto(this)
into every constructor.
It even works if the class does not have any constructor defined.
The injection happens before each RETURN (b1) (177)
buildscript {
maven {
name 'Beanification'
url 'https://maven.tamaized.com/releases/'
dependencies {
classpath "tamaized:beanification:${minecraft_version}-${beanification_version}:gradle"
plugins {
apply plugin: 'tamaized.beanification'
This only works for Intellij run configs and the gradle classes (build) task! Other IDEs are unsupported at this time.
public class MyItem extends Item {
private MyComponent myComponent;
public MyItem() {
// BeanContext.injectInto(this) <- compile time injection here
protected MyItem(int x) {
// BeanContext.injectInto(this) <- compile time injection here
private void z() {
// Will NPE
// The injection happens at the very end of constructors
// If you need beans during constructors themselves, use constructor injection
public void w() {
// Will not NPE
// Assuming this is invoked after the object constructor has finished