This a python routine for download MODIS Atmospheric Data from LADSFTP
In order to download data you must be logged in LADSWEB
The following variables can be modified to download your own and specific data, check on Reverb for the specific time zone.
This script only search over LADSFTP, use pyModis for terrestrial MODIS data, converts a HDF, reproject, and other resources.
Copyright Tomás Acuña - 2017
Adjust the following variables to search over the FTP. This script will create a MODIS folder (C:/MODIS) with the selected products, downloading each HDF file for and specific hour and day for the givin years.
Product and version
Day of year
doy = ['001']
Year/s of data
year = [2010,2011]
Time Zone
Example: Adquire at 2215 UTC
Best regards!