SPACE INVADERS was my first (solo) project completed on General Assembly's Software Engineering Immersive, and was my first attempt at using JavaScript. The timeframe for completing the project was 7 days.
For the uninitiated, SPACE INVADERS is a classic 80s arcade game requiring the player (spaceship) to shoot down the invading aliens to score points before they reach the bottom of the screen.
Please enjoy on GitHub Pages here.
Controls Press the START button. Move the spaceship LEFT (<-) and RIGHT (->) using the arrow keys. Hit SPACEBAR to shoot.
- Vanilla JavaScript ES6
- Git/GitHub
- Google Fonts
In order to ensure I had a working product by the deadline, I decided to have my MVP ready by the end of day 3. This would be the bare bones of the game:
- A container with grids for game components
- Moving and shooting player spaceship
- Aliens that explode on impact with laser & move toward the bottom of the screen
- Points board
- Lives board
- Gameover and Win conditions
- Styling
- Sounds effects
- JavaScript fundamentals. This was my first JavaScript project and no frameworks were used so it really solidified the JS concepts, methods, and DOM manipulation I’d learnt so far.
- I got a grasp on Git and GitHUB
The most challenging part in this project was executing the logic of the alien movement and ensuring all timed intervals were stopped or cleared as they created a lot of issues with the game restart. This project was a huge learning curve and I really enjoyed the challange and putting all the things we've learnt so far into practice.
It is really satisfying to have a a functional game made purely with vanilla JavaScript. Solving each bug as I went along, after encountering recurring bugs throughout the process was a huge success.
- To add a colission for the bombs meeting the aliens laser
- Levels
- Different types of aliens with different points
- Adding responsive design.