Simple "stamp + line" drawing utility built on paper.js
The goal of this project is to provide a simple, configurable drawing utility with the following features:
- draw "stamps" (instances of SVG)
- draw "lines" (straigt lines)
- add text elements
- basic transformations (move, rotate, scale)
- connect/lock lines to stamps
- easy to customize via json config
From project directory run:
npm install
A few gulp tasks have been configured to streamline development tasks.
To run the dev server with watchify auto-build, from project directory run:
gulp dev
(or simply gulp
This will run a test environment at http://localhost:8000/test/ The mocha results are displayed on this page and the StampLines canvas can be used for manual testing.
For fully manual testing (to save load-in time), remove test scrips and in index.html
To perform linting and run tests without starting a server:
gulp check
To perform build:
gulp build