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Improve equivalence data (#299)
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* Create

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* Update

* Update

* Update

* Update

* Update

* Update

* new markdown!

* update changelog

* force folder order

* update changelog

* color legend

* update changelog

* code improvements

* update changelog

* Update

* improve texts

* update changelog

* fix text copy

* update changelog

* Update

* update changelog

* use missing name

* update

* update changelog

* Update

* update maths

* update changelog

* new iteration

* Update

* big math improvement

* cleaning

* update changelog

* styling

* update

* Update

* update changelog

* cleaning

* update missings

* update

* fix total concepts

* fix spacings

* fix spacing

* global calculation in all columns

* remove cache files


Co-authored-by: github-actions <github-actions[bot]>
  • Loading branch information
yceballost and github-actions[bot] authored May 6, 2024
1 parent fe59d16 commit f16d025
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Showing 9 changed files with 320 additions and 260 deletions.
287 changes: 287 additions & 0 deletions .github/md-generator/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
import os

PIPE = "|"
SLASH = "/"
BREAK = "\n"

# Show or hide and reorder brands as needed
brands = ["telefonica", "o2", "vivo-new", "blau"]

# Define the colors for the bar representation
bar_colors = {
"unique": "59C2C9",
"all_equivalence": "0066FF",
"some_equivalence": "EAC344",
"missing": "D1D5E4"

# List folders in icons directory
def read_folder(folder):
if os.path.isdir(folder):
files = os.listdir(folder)
if ".DS_Store" in files:
return files
return []

def preprocess_filename(filename):
# Remove common style indicators from the filename and return
return filename.replace("-filled.svg", "").replace("-light.svg", "").replace("-regular.svg", "")

# Function to recursively list all unique SVG filenames without their paths
def list_concepts(folder):
concepts = set() # Use a set to avoid duplicates
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder):
# Filter and preprocess SVG filenames before adding to the set
for file in files:
if file.endswith('.svg') and not file.startswith('.'):
processed_file = preprocess_filename(file)
return list(concepts) # Convert set to list before returning

# List all .svg files in the directory, including subdirectories.
def list_svg_files(folder):
svg_files = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder):
svg_files.extend(os.path.join(root, file) for file in files if file.endswith('.svg') and not file.startswith('.'))
return svg_files

concepts = list_concepts("./icons")
total_concepts = len(concepts)

# SVG List
svg_files = list_svg_files("./icons")

# Total number of icons
total_icons = len(svg_files)

def process_icon_sets(folders, all_concepts):
"""Process each icon set to compute various metrics, update all_concepts with unique processed names."""
data = {}
for folder in folders:
files = list_svg_files(folder)
icons = {os.path.basename(file): file for file in files}

# no_processed_names are icons with -regular, -light, -filled
no_processed_names = {(os.path.basename(file)): file for file in files}

# processed_names are icons without -regular, -light, -filled
processed_names = {preprocess_filename(os.path.basename(file)): file for file in files}

data[folder] = {
"total": len(files),
"icons": set(icons.keys()),
"no_processed_names": set(no_processed_names.keys()),
"processed_names": set(processed_names.keys()),
"unique": set(),
"all_equivalence": set(),
"some_equivalence": set(),
"missing": set()

for folder in folders:
current_no_processed_names = data[folder]["no_processed_names"]
data[folder]["unique"] = current_no_processed_names - set.union(*(data[f]["no_processed_names"] for f in folders if f != folder))
data[folder]["all_equivalence"] = set.intersection(*(data[f]["no_processed_names"] for f in folders))
for other_folder in folders:
if other_folder != folder:
data[folder]["some_equivalence"].update(current_no_processed_names & data[other_folder]["no_processed_names"])
data[folder]["some_equivalence"] -= data[folder]["all_equivalence"]
data[folder]["missing"] = all_concepts - (data[folder]["unique"] | data[folder]["all_equivalence"] | data[folder]["some_equivalence"])

return data

# Generate a color-coded bar representation for each icon set based on percentage data.
def generate_bar_representation(data, folders, bar_width=400, bar_height=8):
bar_output = []
for folder, metrics in data.items():
folder_data = data[folder]

# Total per brand
total_brand_icons = folder_data['total']

all_equivalence_count = len(folder_data['all_equivalence'])
some_equivalence_count = len(folder_data['some_equivalence'])
unique_count = len(folder_data['unique'])
missing_count = len(folder_data['missing'])

all_equivalence_percent = (all_equivalence_count * 100) / total_icons
some_equivalence_percent = (some_equivalence_count * 100) / total_icons
unique_percent = (unique_count * 100) / total_icons
missing_percent = (missing_count * 100) / total_icons

all_equivalence_width = round(int((all_equivalence_percent / 100) * bar_width))
if 0 < all_equivalence_percent < 1:
all_equivalence_width = 1

some_equivalence_width = round(int((some_equivalence_percent / 100) * bar_width))
if 0 < some_equivalence_percent < 1:
some_equivalence_width = 1

unique_width = round(int((unique_percent / 100) * bar_width))
if 0 < unique_percent < 1:
unique_width = 1

missing_width = bar_width - (unique_width + all_equivalence_width + some_equivalence_width)
if 0 < missing_percent < 1:
missing_width = 1

bar_parts = []
if all_equivalence_width > 0:
bar_parts.append(f"<img src='{all_equivalence_width}x{bar_height}/{bar_colors['all_equivalence']}/000&text=+' alt='All Equivalence'>")
if some_equivalence_width > 0:
bar_parts.append(f"<img src='{some_equivalence_width}x{bar_height}/{bar_colors['some_equivalence']}/000&text=+' alt='Some Equivalence'>")
if unique_width > 0:
bar_parts.append(f"<img src='{unique_width}x{bar_height}/{bar_colors['unique']}/000&text=+' alt='Unique'>")
if missing_width > 0:
bar_parts.append(f"<img src='{missing_width}x{bar_height}/{bar_colors['missing']}/000&text=+' alt='Missing'>")

bar_representation = f"{os.path.basename(folder).title()} " + "\n" + "".join(bar_parts) + "\n"
return bar_output

def generate_markdown_table(data, folders):
global total_concepts

"""Generate markdown table representation of the data."""
markdown = f"| <sub><sup>ICON SET</sup></sub> | <sub><sup>CONCEPTS ({total_concepts})</sup></sub> | <sub><sup>TOTAL ({total_icons})</sup></sub> | <sub><sup>ALL EQUIVALENCE</sup></sub> | <sub><sup>SOME EQUIVALENCE</sup></sub> | <sub><sup>UNIQUE</sup></sub> | <sub><sup>MISSING</sup></sub> |\n"
markdown += "| :--------- | --------: | -----: | ----------: | -------------------: | -------------------: | ------------: |\n"

for folder in folders:
folder_name = os.path.basename(folder).title()
folder_data = data[folder]

total_brand_icons = folder_data['total']

all_equivalence_count = len(folder_data['all_equivalence'])
all_equivalence_percent = f"{all_equivalence_count} ({all_equivalence_count * 100 / (total_icons):.1f}%) ![All Equivalence]({bar_colors['all_equivalence']}/000&text=+)" if total_icons > 0 else "0 (0%)"
some_equivalence_count = len(folder_data['some_equivalence'])
some_equivalence_percent = f"{some_equivalence_count} ({some_equivalence_count * 100 / total_icons:.1f}%) ![Some Equivalence]({bar_colors['some_equivalence']}/000&text=+)" if total_icons > 0 else "0 (0%)"
unique_count = len(folder_data['unique'])
unique_percent = f"{unique_count} ({unique_count * 100 / total_icons:.1f}%) ![Unique]({bar_colors['unique']}/000&text=+)" if total_icons > 0 else "0 (0%)"

# missing_count = len(folder_data['missing'])
# missing_percent = f"{missing_count}" #({missing_count * 100 / total_icons:.1f}%)" if total_icons > 0 else "0 (0%)"

# missing_percent = f"{missing_count} ({missing_count * 100 / total_icons:.1f}%) ![Missing]({bar_colors['missing']}/000&text=+)"
missing_count = total_icons - total_brand_icons
# print(missing_count)
missing_percent = f"{total_icons - total_brand_icons} ({(missing_count * 100) / total_icons:.1f}%) ![Missing]({bar_colors['missing']}/000&text=+)"

markdown += f"| {folder_name} | {len(folder_data['processed_names'])} | {folder_data['total']} | {all_equivalence_percent} | {some_equivalence_percent} | {unique_percent} | {missing_percent} |\n"

# markdown += f"| | **{total_concepts}** | **{total_icons}** | | | | |\n"
markdown += "\n"
# markdown += f"<table><tr><th>Total concepts</th><td>{total_concepts}</td></tr><tr><th>Total icons</th><td>{total_icons}</td></tr></table>"

return markdown

def generate_icon_table(path): # Renombrar la función para que coincida con el nombre del módulo
brands = [folder for folder in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, folder))]
root = os.path.basename(path)
dictionary = {}
file_content = BREAK + "| ---BRANDS--- | icon name |" + \
BREAK + "| ---HEADER-BREAK--- |" + ":--- |" + BREAK
for brand in brands:
brand_folder = path + SLASH + brand
styles = read_folder(brand_folder)
for style in styles:
style_folder = brand_folder + SLASH + style
icons = read_folder(style_folder)
for icon in icons:
icon_name = os.path.splitext(icon)[0]
file_path = root + SLASH + brand + SLASH + \
style + SLASH + icon_name + SVG_EXTENSION
if icon_name in dictionary:
if style not in dictionary[icon_name]:
dictionary[icon_name][style] = {brand: file_path}
dictionary[icon_name][style][brand] = file_path
dictionary[icon_name] = {
style: {brand: file_path}

brands = ["telefonica"] + sorted(brands, reverse=True)
separator = " " + PIPE + " "
file_content = file_content.replace("---BRANDS---", separator.join(brands))
file_content = file_content.replace("---HEADER-BREAK---", separator.join(
[":---:"] * (len(brands)))) # add (len(brands) + 2) to add svg & pdf download

for icon_name in sorted(dictionary.keys()):
icon = dictionary[icon_name]
for style in sorted(icon.keys()):
icon_images = []
for brand in brands:
icon_image = "![" + icon_name + \
"](" + icon[style][brand] + \
") " if brand in icon[style] else " "
row = PIPE + PIPE.join(icon_images) + PIPE + \
"<a id=" + "'" + icon_name + "'>"+ "`" + icon_name + "`" + "</a>" + \
"[" + "![" + icon_name + "]" + \
"(.github/resources/anchor.svg)" + \
"]" + "(" + "#" + icon_name + ")" + PIPE
file_content += row + BREAK

return file_content # Devolver el contenido de la tabla de iconos

def main(root_folder):
folders = [os.path.join(root_folder, brand) for brand in brands]
all_concepts = set()
icon_data = process_icon_sets(folders, all_concepts)
bars = generate_bar_representation(icon_data, all_concepts)

markdown_content = ""

# Add documentation
documentation = "![Mistica Icons](.github/resources/mistica-icons-light.svg#gh-light-mode-only)" + BREAK + "![Mistica Icons](.github/resources/mistica-icons-dark.svg#gh-dark-mode-only)" + BREAK + BREAK + "Mística Icons is a multibrand icon system that contains all icons that is working in [Mistica Design System]( now. " + BREAK + BREAK + "Mistica support [Brand Factory icons]( This set of icons are a big list of different icons and style that Brand Team worked to be used through Telefonica applications." + BREAK + BREAK + "If you have any question, please you can ask directly in the app of Microsoft Teams, in [Mistica Team]( " + \
BREAK + BREAK + "## Documentation" + BREAK + BREAK + "### Develop" + BREAK + BREAK + "#### iOS and Android" + BREAK + BREAK + "You can get .pdf or .svg files from this repo." + BREAK + BREAK + "#### Web" + BREAK + BREAK + \
"Visit [Mistica Storybook]( to get all the detail about using Mistica Icons Library" + BREAK + BREAK + "### Design" + BREAK + BREAK + "Use Mística icons library in Figma!" + BREAK + BREAK
markdown_content += documentation + BREAK

markdown_content += "## Equivalence status\n\n"
for bar in bars:
markdown_content += bar + "\n"
markdown_content += " " + BREAK

# Add equivalence status table
markdown_table = generate_markdown_table(icon_data, folders)
markdown_content += markdown_table + "\n"

legend = (
"<sub>**Concepts**: Counts the different names of icons in the set excluding any variations in style or weight.</sub> "
"<sub>**Total**: The total number of icons found in a brand set. Counting light, regular and filled weights.</sub> "
"<sub>**All Equivalence**: Icons that are present in all sets.</sub> "
"<sub>**Some Equivalence**: Icons that are present in some sets.</sub> "
"<sub>**Unique**: Icons that only exists in this set.</sub> "
"<sub>**Missing**: Missing icons with respect to other sets.</sub>"

markdown_content += legend + "\n"

markdown_content += "## Icon equivalence\n\n"
icon_table_output = generate_icon_table(root_folder)
markdown_content += icon_table_output + "\n"

with open("./", "w") as file:

if __name__ == "__main__":
root_folder = "icons"


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