My second learning project, it was done after a couple of months after taking a break from coding in C# after "TerrorDungeon". Like my first game its nowhere near being finished, but it helped me strengthen my programming understanding. Everything done from scratch and without much third-party help.
As with my previous project from 2021, this one is also not very good code-wise, but I can see my own improvements so looking back at it, im glad that I started it. It was lots of fun programming TerrorCrawler.
- Array of player inventory;
- Stat allocating with resetting your choice afterwards when you changed your mind to reallocate them;
- Custom boss class inheriting from enemy class
- "Travelling" by increasing "floor number" with program saving your highest floor number for you to later come back to it without the need of going through "low level" areas (plan was to have increasing difficulty modifier with floor number)