This project is built to work with an instance of VIVO. Vivo widgets provides a method for easily embeding a script tag into your site that includes things like publications, grants and courses. It can provide data for both individuals in VIVO and on organizations in VIVO. A few examples of VIVO instances:
VIVO Widgets is made of up the following parts.
The web service which used indexed data from VIVO pulled via SPARQL.
Web page widget builder for creating the JavaScript snippets to be included in other sites.
Web Page Widgets: Embeddable JavaScript that allows content to be easily added to other website from VIVO.
Clone the VIVO Widgets project.
Change into the project directory and launch sbt and tell it to create an executable jar.
$ bin/sbt assembly
This will create an executable jar located at
Widgets uses a very similar
file that is used by VIVO.
It actually reuses some of the same database connection information, but it
also adds a few properties.
Path to solr configuration files on your solr server.
Name of the theme to use.
The URI for your top level organization
Username for updating or rebuilding the index
Password for updating or rebuilding the index
in the root directory.
Vivo widgets needs a running instance of SOLR. It has been tested with solr 4.7.
You will need to copy the solr/main
directory located here into the directory on the server where you have solr
running. That is determined by property in the
file (see above).
If you are starting from scratch (without an already existing SOLR instance) you can follow steps such as the following:
Download SOLR from
This will likely be a file such as solr_4.7_examples.tar.gz. Try downloading it. You can put that in a tmp directory (for instance).
cd tmp tar xvzf solr_4.7_examples.tar.gz. cd ..
Copy the solr configuration files in ```solr/main`` `into the configuration area of the local solr server. For instance:
mkdir tmp/solr_4.7_examples/solr/widgetsolr cp -R solr/main tmp/solr_4.7_examples/solr/widgetsolr
Start the server with a command much like this. The directories may be different depending on where you put the solr_examples files etc... following the example above:
java -Dsolr.home=tmp/solr_4.7_examples -Djetty.home=tmp/solr_4.7_examples -server \ -DSTOP.PORT=8079 -DSTOP.KEY=pleasestop -jar tmp/solr_4.7_examples/start.jar 2> tmp/solr.log &
If you go somwhere like here (depending on the port) you should be able to verify it's running:
And when you are done, remember to make it stop, by running something like this:
java -Dsolr.home=tmp/solr_4.7_examples -server -DSTOP.PORT=8079 -DSTOP.KEY=pleasestop -jar tmp/solr_4.7_examples/start.jar --stop
Finally, to start vivo_widgets using the jar file run something like the following command:
$ PORT=8888 java -jar -Xmx500m \ -Dproperties.location=/path/to/ \ -Dwidget.logging.dir=/var/log/vivo_widgets/ \ target/scala-2.10/vivo-widgets.jar
Browse to
This will likely say "No Content" - because the Solr index is much like a database, and the database is empty at this point. But it means it is running. In order to give it content, see the Solr Index section below.
When you first start widgets and setup your database and solr location, you will need to reindex. To reindex, run (assuming you are running from the jar file on port 8888):
$ curl -s -u username:password -X POST \
For the username and password, these are set in the
as WidgetUpdateSetup.username and WidgetUpdateSetup.password. -
You can also reindex a specific person or organization. To reindex person, run:
$ curl -s -u username:password -X POST \
substituting in the person's uri.
Once you have data - you can see a page via id by sending the uri paramater. This is just an example:,
You can query for uri ids via solr itself:
Clone the project.
Change into the project directory. Put a copy of your with your local config into the following directory (see Configuration section for details about this file).
To start the application follow the commands based on Scalatra First Project:
$ bin/sbt > container:start
If you want automatic code reloading, do the following:
$ bin/sbt > container:start > ~ ;copy-resources;aux-compile
Browse to
NOTE: Building the solr index will be a slightly different command in this case, because running via sbt does NOT add /widgets to the base url, and the default port is 8080:
$ curl -s -u username:password -X POST \
$ bin/sbt
> test
or to run only a few tests:
> test-only edu.duke.oit.solr.test.GrantSpec edu.duke.oit.solr.test.CourseSpec
- There is an old version of a Jena listener in
that will no longer work with this version of vivo widgets. It needs to be updated to support a new format of the json to update widgets.