Javascript fueled message board for beverage travel in Oregon.
- Mugsy Carter
- Tim Combs
- Michael Freeman
- John Gothro
This is a Code Fellows Project to create an http express server that uses mongoDB for persistent storage and retrieval and mongoose as the templating and validation layer then push
The app also has an authentication system to sign-in users and allow specific types of users access to specified routes
The http server runs on localhost:3030
deployed via Heroku
Make sure to run npm install from the directory root to install dependencies
Please refer to the package.json for more info
Download the files
Set up database
- Download MongoDB
- create a .env file - refer to .env.example
- Start the database
mongod --dbpath [path to your MongoDB folder here]
Set up project
- Open new terminal window,
cd ImbibeOR
andnpm install
- Open another terminal window,
cd ImbibeOR
and type:$ npm start
- Then open a browser window and navigate to the address localhost:303<your_port_number>
- Open new terminal window,
Please refer to the package.json for info about scripts
- Set Up
- To run tests set up a test database in mongoDB: imbibeor-test
- Start the database
mongod --dbpath [path to your MongoDB folder here]
- refer to .env.test for the port number
- To run the test suite at cli at root of the project directory type:
$ npm test
- this will first run eslint - for more info look at .eslintrc
- then mocha run unit tests and e2e tests
- The code has been vetted using eslint & Travis-CI
- Not currently looking for collaborators at this time
- Always looking for suggestions
- Any questions and concerns can be handled by opening an issue on the codebase
- Licensed under the ISC license - see for more info