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Releases: TinyModularThings/IC2Classic

IC2 Classic Version

10 Jun 00:02
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Hopefully last IC2 Classic 1.7.10 Release for the 1.2 version...

There are new objects (tested) a couple configs and a better wrench logic included... If someone yells now about wrenchloss.... my answer: Go further into tech tree and you are not having this issue anymore...

anyway Changelog:

-Added: Increased Efficeny with the EnergyNet.
-Removed: Overcreating sets to lists... (slower then iterating through a set)
-Added: Improved the code of Easy Mode. So its less laggy
-Fixed: Steam reactor did check more then once per tick if it was powered
-Fixed: All machines check for redstone (if they do) only once per tick. Even if there if there is more then one call
-Added: Config to dissable Bronze Tools&Armor indirectly (they are there but not gainable)
-Fixed: (Hoping at least but tested) that steel mode should work. NOTE: THIS COUNT ONLY FOR CRAFTING RECIPES NOT MACHINES ITSELF
-Fixed: EV-Transformer did not take to account the IronName
-Fixed: Obscurator has a wrong rotation in Pipes and ItemFrames.
-Fixed: Cacti Crop had the Discoverer Name Spelled wrong... SpawnX was it before and now its SpwnX
-Added: All IC2 Boats
-Added: Dispenser Support & Dynamic Speed Change to Electric Boat
-Added: Fixes from TL Compat version (Enet). That increase improvements on TickRate. Less work. (Actually a huge fix)
-Fixed: ToolBox stores now items properly.
-Added: Reactor Components can now be stored in a tool box (8 Extra Slots)
-Fixed: Deleted some debug code of the Teleporter
-Added: EU Reader tells in the Capabilities Measuring Mode when you rightclick on a Teleporter about the infos. (Entity(For tracking), Weight, Distance, Cost)
-Added: Teleporter when clicked with Empty hand tells you the position of its target
-Fixed: Key Checking also includes now mousebuttons (EU Reader bug when set the mode swtich key to a mousebutton)
-Added: Electric wrench no longer uses Energy when it did not save the Wrenching. (But requires at least 5000 EU to run with Losslessmode)
-Added: Electric Wrench has a 10% less chance of dropping a machine... (Extra Fortune increase that chance drasticly with each lvl)
-Added: A Semi fix for lead dust. Simply checks the OreDict in init (not pre or postInit) if it has ore&dust

IC2 Classic Version

18 Apr 18:03
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Finally the last version of IC2 Classic...
I am starting already on the 1.9 update of MC but here are just a couple infos.

Thanks to the help of all people i can say that the last version of IC2 Classic was/is very stable but there were a couple bugs.
Well here are a couple fixes for them.

-Added: Ic2Items Validater. (Sets the ItemStacks to 1 again just so that if someone messes it up it does not cause problems)
-Fixed: Project E plugin did not like that Rubber Wood/Saplings were dissabled.
-Added: ReactorPlanner has now a Colored Pixel that show the state. (Green = Fine/Not Started, Yellow = In Testing, Red = Exploded/Component broke)
-Fixed: Lang was missing for Loudnessupgrade

IC2 Classic Version

03 Apr 11:42
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Finally After 4 months (well 3,5-3,8 months) the big update is done and released. You can not imagine how happy i am...
Now we did test a lot and we found a lot of bugs so that the end of the testing people could not find much at all...
But before we get to the Changelog i want to put out to a lot of Special thanks.

Chocohead & Mine_Sasha: For the Helping for everything. Textures, Doctumentation, Testing, Ideas they helped out. And i can not be thankfull enough for their help.
Freezy: For helping out with Textures and testing. Without him this version would be still in progress.
Dr0n1k: For testing. He found some critical bugs even if he was not always around he tested in the hidden xD
McAztec: For Testing and giving suggestions to some features that were usefull... He did speed up the Final testing.
Robotia: For general Testing. Finding the Huge Lag Points, improving my Programming Skills by a lot and idea throwing outs.
KitsuneAlex: For the Final Textures that were nessesary to finish the IC2 Classic Update. We had a lot of quere and he did get ride of it so quick...
Myrathy: For allowing me to add the old Chargepads mod into IC2 Classic
Also thanks for the IC2 Team for supporting IC2 Classic. Without their permission this would be not existend.
And everyone i forgot i am really sorry about that ^^"
Without these people IC2 Classic were not possible.

So that we have done that we can go to the important notes (If you did not read them then i will not bother helping you):
1: Texture Packs have to be dissabled if they contain IC2 Classic stuff. They will cause crashes.
2: You can update directly but i suggest to download the compat version and activating the: Dissable Luminators config.
3: Converting back is possible but very annoying since i switched blocks. Luminators are no longer 2 Blocks. Remove all types of luminators if you want to convert back.
4: Backup your world. If you follow the rule nr 2 or have no luminators placed it should not break anything. But still there can always something be... I tried to write it as compatible as possible

If anything happens outside i am here to helpout.

Also a note: MultiPart Luminators do not mean that i Support FMP... I never support something buggy like that...

Now to the Changelog: I wish you fun reading it because its almost as big as all changelogs together that were released before..

-Added: New Texture Loading System. (allows even in sprites bigger sized Textures)
-Changed: Sprite Infos about the original Textures (warning Texturepacks will crash)
-Fixed: Sound Options apply now really on sounds
-Changed: ColoredAPI is now no longer a Number it is a Enum.
-Added: New WireTexture (for the color Black)
-Changed: Updated all Blocks to their new Sprite.
-Changed: Updated Reactor Items to their new Sprite
-Changed: Updated Armor Items to their new Sprite
-Changed: Updated Tool Items to their new Sprite

-Fixed: All Texture Offsets i had...
-Added: Updated Textures from Minesasha xD
-Added: Bronze Cable. (0.6EU Loss, MV Compatible)
-Added: Lokalization for Bronze cables.
-Added: Biome Blueprints (Override biomes in a area)

-Fixed: Converter dropping wrong meta

-Added: Flour (To make bread)
-Added/Fixed: Recipes. (Some did not show in Nei)
-Added: Composite Armor Models. Thanks to Chocohead.

-Changed: Speed Up IC2 Networking (could cause more connection drain)
-Changed: Moved Networking processing from start to the end of the world Tick.
-Changed: Start Dropping vannilla TileSync
-Changed: Adjusted fuel gain from Water Generators (500 fuel for any water container but the idea was 50% of the water amount)
-Fixed: Naming of the Qarmor was broken.
-Added: Replacing IC2 machine recipes is now possible (even without the class cast)
-Added: Item Icons for Composite Armor (thanks to Chocohead)

-Fixed: Networking
-Fixed: Quantum Armor can be dyed now.
-Added: Quantum Armor can block any damage
-Added: Electric Damage charges the Electric Armor now instead of hurting you.
-Added: Special Fertilizer which speeds up crop ticks for 5 minutes to its max... only 1 time use...
-Added: After the Effect of the Special Fertilzer time is over the crop will no longer Grow. (Dead Crop Stick)
-Added: Combined Jetpacks. (Need a better name) for Electric and Nuclear Jetpack. Stores a lot more power but also Uses a lot more.
-Added: Extreme/Adv HoverMode which is close to Creative Flight.
-Added: Recipes.
-Added: Localization

-Added: Config to dissable the Keybinding Detection when gui is open.
-Added/Fixed: No Longer is Jumping Required to change the Jetpack Mode.
-Fixed: Crop after Crop Speedup also Networking on the Crop did fail...
-Fixed: Miner crashes with SilkTouch Enchantment Drill
-Fixed: Scanner uses now right amount of Power in the miner. (Also Ranged is fixed... (Was in a version before))
-Fixed: RocketCharge Renderer was broken. (Offsets)
-Fixed: Little improvements on the Energynet.

-Fixed: Recipe Bugs (New Jetpacks).
-Added: New Piston Recipes.

-Fixed: Combined Nuclear Jetpack did lose its inventory
-Fixed: Recipe for Bronze Wire
-Fixed: Combined Nuclear Jetpack gets charged only to 30k EU
-Fixed: Export Upgrades export all Items.
-Fixed: Upgrades remove the Right Amount of energy (insert & extraction Updates)

-Added: New Textures. Thanks to Chocohead
-Fixed: Try at least to fix a old bug because of changing how networking works.
-Added: Merged TickCalls from Start Tick to End Ticks...

-Added: Bases for Texture copies for Foamed Blocks...
-Fixed: Reactor Components (anything that uses Custom Damage) works now fine...
-Fixed: Nuclear Jetpack has no the right tickrate
-Fixed: Basic Import & Export Upgrade Recipes were inverted.
-Added: Obscurator. No Special Renderer yet.
-Added: Wire Support for Texture Copies.
-Fixed: Texture Bug.

-Added: Forestry Farms do no longer support IC2 Classic Crops (Removed the plugin that Forestry provides) (use Legacy Farms for now) (did not readd it and i think i leave it that way now until 1.9)
-Added: ChargePads bases.. (Effects, TileEntity (almost done), and block)
-Added: ChargePads. (have permission from Myrathy)
-Fixed: Electric Enchanter causes crash if enchantment is doubled...
-Fixed: Field Update caused a crash instead of a Logging that says: Error. (Catched crash. So no worry)
-Added: ChargePads also Charge Baubles Inventory
-Added: Updated to latest stable ForgeBuild (This is not a requirement)
-Changed: Texture Copier Recipe Changed...

-Added: Textures from Freezy (A lot of textures) (thanks man)
-Fixed: Any Jetpack shows rocketcharge in the ToolTip now. Not only Nuclear Jetpacks.
-Added: Fancy Renderer for The Obfuscator (Texture Copier)
-Added: Quantum Armor abilties now use ChargeFromArmor (was not the case) (that means that the armor can recharge after they used Energy.) (Charge From armor support baubles)
-Added: Electric Armor uses can recharge now when they got damage. (Can charge from armor function)
-Added: Construction foam Textured. (Explaining: It simply supports MultiIcons and multicolors on one block. It gets replaced from normal constructionfoam using the texture Copier)
-Added: Painters can override Textures in the Textured CF Block.
-Added: Diamond/Emerald ExtractorRecipe results (3 insteadof 2)
-Added: Experience Drops for machines.
-Fixed: Fuse Sound of IC2 TNT.
-Added: Nuclear Reactors & Nukes play now the Nuke Explosion Sound. (Impresive Sounds xD)
-Added: Rubber Sheet plays soundeffect on bounce
-Added: More Sound Effects. (Jetpack has a dropped power sound, Electric Item Sounds)
-Fixed: Setting config to not transport items did simply cause that the energycost on the Teleporter decreased..
-Added: Teleporters can now teleport through Dimensions. (10x cost for now... Could change because its way to much...(The math behind it))
-Added: More Sounds...
-Changed: Miner Searching logic. Instead of minX to maxX search it makes now a from core to outside search.
-Fixed: Derp bug. Textured CF did not save its data
-Added: Recipes for ChargePads
-Added: Creative Upgrade. (Simply makes your machines run insane fast an need no energy)
-Added: ChargePad upgrades
-Added: New Textures thanks to Freezy. Thanks man

-Added: Nei Recipe Support for Advanced Machines.
-Fixed: some cellstextures. (little offset)
-Changed: Moved BC to a core Plugin. (Means more attantion, faster fixes and better progress)
-Added: OreScanner Block. (Put a scanner in and get a detailed info about the area)
-Added: Crop Scanner Block. Allows to automaticly scan crops. But takes some time. Also same energyCost
-Added: Waila Plugin. Shows info about EU Tiles. (Need to expland API for that) but require you to equip a EU reader.
-Added: Hud Key changes Waila Info Mode. So you get differend info (Less mess) in waila. Also can be dissabled by that
-Changed: For the Waila Tooltip to work you need only a EU reader into the Hotbar instead of in your hand.
-Added: A lot of information to the tooltip.
-Added: Waila Config support. Sry Professor Mobius WailaAPI is done horrible. (its not a api)
-Added: Config to ignore Waila Config. (Because i had problems where waila never worked for me)
-Added: API what tells you energy Storage production and Usage per tick.
-Added: the just added API to the Machines/generators and co..
-Added: Flux Generators produce now 4 Packets instead of one. (Making Big RF generators at least more productive)
-Added: Config for SubModuls. So you can dissable them via config...
-Added: Lightning does charge the armor if you get hit by it. Note: It charges 100000000 EU if none or everything is absorbed then you get no damge.
But if any amount is absorbed and there is something left the EU left will be applied as damge....

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IC2 Classic Version

09 Jun 23:54
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This is the last Fix for the Tekkit Legends version...
Tekkit Legends gets soon a update and then this version will be no longer needed...

-Added: Increased Efficeny with the EnergyNet.
-Removed: Overcreating sets to lists... (slower then iterating through a set)
-Added: Improved the code of Easy Mode. So its less laggy
-Fixed: All machines check for redstone (if they do) only once per tick. Even if there if there is more then one call
-Fixed: EnergyNet did calculate do to another fix (long ago) everything twice
-Fixed: ToolBox stores now items properly.
-Added: Reactor Components can now be stored in a tool box (8 Extra Slots)

IC2 Classic Version

23 May 17:26
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Update for IC2 Classic and Tekkit Legends Packs...

I simply set down and made a backport for the Tekkit Legends Packs.
Server Owners you can apply that to your servers and Clients still can log in with the version they do not require to update.

Little note: This EnergyNet is actually faster as the EnergyNet since 1.9 gave me a couple new features to speed it up and i ported them back. So Will come out soon with the same feature upgrades... Not today not tomorrow but i try to push it this month...

-Higly Improved the EnergyNet TickProcessing Speed. Less laggy processing thanks to + 1.4 (1.9) versions of IC2 Classic. Yeah in here is 1.9 fixcode which make the EnergyNet a lot faster with ShockDamage and general Processing.

1.9 is in its progress but there is still a lot of Alpha stuff or content missing and i am not the fastest person.

IC2 Classic Version

20 Mar 18:13
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This version is just a Hotfix and Compat update. So Until the big update there will be no fixes anymore..

-Fixed Luminators causes crashes because of how they load.
-Added: Luminator dissabling config. Required to be activated before update so that they all disapear. Else it could cause problems...

Thanks for the waiting.

Also no Dev build because there is no need...

IC2 Classic Version Hofix

08 Mar 19:44
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Just another hotfix that solves a huge problem with the improved EnergyNet.
(It was a Chain Reaction so yeah. I got lucky when i found it)

-Fixed: Explosion caused infintie loops. And also special Causes cause that too...

IC2 Classic Version HotFix

06 Mar 23:24
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Just a important crash fix that was found.

-EnergyNet Causes crashes when some functions got used.

IC2 Classic Version

05 Mar 03:52
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Yay a new Release... That was what you thaught... Well actually its not a Release. Its a Hotfix...
I found enough stupid bugs in my IC2 Classic version that i decided to make a hotfix.
This version is simply a hotfix. Based on the version I just pulled a backup from that version and started to check my Release Changelog. After that i simply fixed the most anying and important bugs, added easy/nessesary improvements and then you have now Version
Do not expect much by way of ingame Additions...

Oh by the way a feature of all my mods: I am really lazy about Version numbers. Thats why my Jars have only Updated Version numbers. In Code all My mods have always the same version. So as long the changes (like this version) are not to big you can simply update to this version without worrying about problems. Server Owners maybe will like that..
Keep that in mind. I do not repeate that..

But now to the Changelog.

Note This version is still based around the API so check the download of this release API...
And also all these changes come into the Main Release anyway so do not wonder if you find duplicated things when i release it. This is simply a differend branch of the version xD

-Added: Merged TickCalls from Start Tick to End Ticks...
-Added: Updated to latest stable ForgeBuild (This is not a requirement)
-Added: Nei Recipe Support for Advanced Machines.
-Changed: Speed Up IC2 Networking (could cause more connection drain)
-Fixed: Sound Options apply now really on sounds
-Fixed: Converter dropping wrong meta
-Fixed: Scanner uses now right amount of Power in the miner. (Also Ranged is fixed...)
-Fixed: RocketCharge Renderer was broken. (Offsets)
-Fixed: Miner crashes with SilkTouch Enchantment Drill
-Fixed: Export Upgrades export all Items.
-Fixed: Upgrades remvoe the Right Amount of energy
-Fixed: Basic Import & Export Upgrade Recipes were inverted.
-Fixed: Nuclear Jetpack has no the right tickrate
-Fixed: Electric Enchanter causes crash if enchantment is doubled...
-Fixed: IC2 Tools did not drain Energy when used from a none Player
-Fixed: Huge Improvement again on the IC2 Classic EnergyNet... Again

IC2 Classic Version

20 Dec 18:53
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This version is just a compat/fix version with a couple fixes in it..

Just for everyone i suggest to update as soon as possible because here are fixes for critical bugs in it..
Thanks for all Bugreports and help.
Thanks for Minesasha, Chocohead, Nentify for helping me tracking bugs down and testing everything so that you all have stable versions ^^

Note: There is a Electric Enchanter bug which can cause the game to crash. It can only happen when you try to use Enchanted books instead of normal books to enchant a item. If you are using normal books it will be 100% safe.


Version & &
-Fixed: EnergyNet bug which caused lag Chunk Problems and more. (Thanks to Nentify and Modmuss50 for helping)
-Fixed: Water Generator now pushed into the right slot.
-Fixed: EnergyStorage (BatBox, MFE, MFSU) update redstone even on worldload. (before it required a BlockUpdate)

-Fixed/Changed: SolarPannel Config applies now right and can be increased too. (Lowering it caused almost nothing on IC2).
-Fixed: Micro Fixes here and there (updated functions which were outdated etc...)
-Fixed: Removed EnergyNet debug code...
-Added: EMC Plugin for ProjectE.
-Added: All IC2 Entities for Swiftwolfs ring and Torch (simply because for normal usage).
-Added: Exluded TileEntities for the Torch: Solar Gen, Detector Cable (performance reasons), GeoGen. (Simply because they cause lag when speed up and you have no benefit of it...)

-Added: Custom EMC Values for missing stuff.