for 1.14
- Fix missing placeholder %townyadvanced_towny_tag_formatted% not actually existing.
- Fix world explosion setting not allowing explosions to damage animals, armorstands, itemframes and endercrystals in the wilderness when they ought be exploded.
- Closes ticket #3459
- Solve townless townblocks causing safemode instead of being deleted.
- Actually deletes the townblock file now too.
- Closes ticket #3336
- Change to default config: war.disallow_one_way_alliance
- Now defaults to true.
- One-way alliances are discouraged, and eventually may be done away with entirely in order to better facilitate new features and war updates.
- New Permission Node: towny.command.nation.deposit.other
- Allows a nation member to deposit money into the townbank of a nation member.
- Is NOT a child node of towny.command.nation.deposit or towny.command.nation.*
- add towny.command.nation.deposit.other to the king and nation assistant ranks.
- New Command: /n deposit {amount} {townname}
- Requires towny.command.nation.deposit.other
- Lets a nation member deposit money into a town bank of a town that is part of their nation.
- Closes ticket #1953
- Language files bumped to 0.57.
- Fix bad grammar possible to be seen on /t join command.
- Fix Tridents with Channeling that causes lightning strikes to harm animals, item frames and armor stands.
- Add Villagers to list of things we protect from damage.
- Protect pigs from being zapped by lightning where explosions shouldn't happen.
- New Config Options:
- economy.plot_type_costs.set_commercial
- economy.plot_type_costs.set_arena
- economy.plot_type_costs.set_embassy
- economy.plot_type_costs.set_wilds
- economy.plot_type_costs.set_inn
- economy.plot_type_costs.set_jail
- economy.plot_type_costs.set_farm
- economy.plot_type_costs.set_bank
- All default to a cost of 0.
- Set cost higher to charge person for changing their plot to the desired type.
- Changed Command: /towny prices
- Now displays costs of setting plot types.
- Added ability to set costs for all plot types using /plot set {type}.
- Money charged goes to the Server Account.
- New Config Option: invite_system.maximum_distance_from_town_spawn
- Default: 0
- When set above 0, the maximum distance a player can be from a town's spawn in order to receive an invite.
- Use this setting to require players to be near or inside a town before they can be invited.
- Closes ticket #3089