for 1.14.*/1.15.*/1.16.*
- Fix loading mysql databases with residents who have not had a UUID gathered.
Cumulative changes since
- Fix friendly fire not being respected during wars.
- Fix players being pulled around by fishing hooks in non-PVP plots.
- Closes #4092.
- Fix sentinalpvp bots causing NotRegisteredExceptions.
- Fix friend and outlaw lists being able to be fed invalid resident names.
- Closes #4097.
- Fix unhelpful getHomeBlock exception message.
- Add UUIDs to resident objects, for the day we need to convert databases to UUIDs.
- Add bstats metric to help track UUID gathering.
- Fix /towny top land resident throwing an internal error.
- Closes #4045.
- Add javadocs to maven, courtesy of Siris with PR #4049.
- Use mvn clean install to build javadocs.
- New Command: /ta nation [nationname] kick [towns...]
- Allows admins to remove towns from a nation.
- Closes #4050.
- New Command: /ta town [townname] leavenation
- Allows admins to make a town leave their nation.
- API: Added to TownyAPI, hasNationZone(Location) and hasNationZone(WorldCoord) which will return either TownBlockStatus.UNCLAIMED_ZONE or TownBlockStatus.NATION_ZONE.
- API: Added to TownyAPI, isNationZone(Location), returns true if it is in a nation zone.
- Fix PlayerCacheUtil looking for a non-existant language string.
- Fix Townblocks having their mob setting overridden by the Towns' mob setting in scenarios where the town has mobs on, but the townblock has mobs off.
- Closes #4067.
- Fix mayors and kings not paying the bail costs specified in the config.
- Fix case in TownyPlayerListener that could result in an NPE.
- Closes #4002.
- russian.yml updated to 0.83 courtesy of Egor33345.
- Fix cost confirmation showing when new town or new nation prices are set to 0.
- zh-tw.yml updated by shou692199 with PR #3999.
- Allow only language unicode, courtesy of Siris with PR #3943.
- Stop players using emojis in their town and nation names.
- New Configs will have the following regex, which you can add manually or have Towny add it by itself by removing the regex section of your config.yml.
- New Default:
name_filter_regex: '[\\\/]'
name_check_regex: ^[\p{L}a-zA-Z0-9._\[\]-]*$
string_check_regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9 \s._\[\]\#\?\!\@\$\%\^\&\*\-\,\*\(\)\{\}]*$
name_remove_regex: '[^\P{M}a-zA-Z0-9\&._\[\]-]'
- API: new PlotPreChangeTypeEvent, courtesy of rebstew with PR #3995.
- Cancellable event that plugins can use to stop players from changing a plot type.
- Fix plot groups not showing the correct pvp setting when /plot group set perm command is used.
- Closes #4000.
- Fix getTownBlockStatus that affect Citizens2 NPCs from displaying "Failed to fetch resident: name" in the log.
- Fix bad PlotBlockData preventing a town from being deleted.
- Fix Leash_Hitches entities being unprotected from right-click-removals.
- Allowed outsiders to steal animals.
- Closes #4028.
- pt-br.yml updated to 0.83, courtesy of vsdepontes with PR #4029.
- Fix for /plot set reset, courtesy of Silverwolfg11 with PR #4026.
- Fix Towny loading bad townyperms.yml files.
- Towny will now enter safe mode if the townyperms.yml file will not load correctly.
- This step is being taken because under certain circumstances it would cause Towny to harm it's own database when loading.
- Fix Towny not refreshing the permissions of online players when /ta reload perms is used.
- Fix issue where a badly configured townyperms.yml causes DB failure, courtesy of Goosius1 with PR #4003.
- Fix /res set perm command not applying the new /res perm line to all unchanged resident-owned townblocks.
- Fix board messages being able to set to strings longer than TownyFormatter can display.
- Closes #4039.
- REQUIRED CONFIG CHANGE: add ,LEAD,SWEET_BERRY_BUSH to the end of the protection.switch_ids list.
- Closes #4032.
- Switch to JitPack and Remove GH packages dependencies, courtesy of Siris with PR #4038.
- Changed: Whether someone light a Nether Portal, they will now have to be able to build NETHER_PORTAL blocks rather than OBSIDIAN blocks.
- This means that servers who want players to be able to make nether portals to a world where they do not grant towny.wild permissions will be able to build a portal.
- The node required to build a portal that would connect into the wilderness would be towny.wild.build.NETHER_PORTAL.
- This means servers that do not grant wild permissions do not have to give towny.wild.build.OBSIDIAN, which would mean players could place obsidian anywhere in the wild.
- Fix MobRemovalTask not appreciating when a world's worldmobs setting is off.
- Fix Slimes trampling on crops not abiding a world's creaturetrampling setting.
- Also cleans up croptrampling code from out of the TownyPlayerListener & lets us drop the TownyWorld from the onPlayerSwitchEvent.
- Fix Ravagers breaking leaves/crops and what not when world's creaturetrampling setting is off.
- Closes #3975.
- New Config Option: town.min_distances_ignored_for_towns_in_same_nation
- default: true
- If true, the below settings: min_plot_distance_from_town_plot and min_distance_from_town_homeblock will be ignored for towns that are in the same nation. Setting to false will keep all towns separated the same.
- Closes #3983.
- Fix underscores showing in title messages when entering and leaving towns, as well as in PAPI placeholders.
- Close #3985.
- Fix /ta town NAME toggle not being friendly towards many /t toggle subcommands.
- Additionally commands should display proper feedback.
- Taxpercent capping, courtesy of Siris with PR #3969.
- Closes #3967.
- New Command /town set taxpercentcap {amount}
- Mayor command to set the maximum amount that can be taken when taxpercent is enabled.
- New Permission Node: towny.command.town.set.taxpercentcap
- Child node of towny.command.town.set.*
- Required to use /town set taxpercentcap [amount]
- New Config Option: economy.daily_taxes.max_town_tax_percent_amount
- Default: 10000
- Controls the highest amount of money that can be taken from a tax percentage on a resident.
- Changed Config Option: town.default_taxes.taxpercentage
- Default value changed from false to true.
- Will no affect existing configs.
- New config files will have taxpercentage on by default, which means new towns will start with taxpercent enabled.
- Fix regression in DisablePlayerTrampling which prevented crop trampling being prevented.
- Fix missing command-feedback when using some towny commands in the console, courtesy of Siris with PR #3961.
- Closes #3957.
- Fix newly-joined players not having their lastOnline value not set.
- Fix residents.txt causing safemode for having a resident listed more than once.
- Also removes doubled up residents from the residents.txt when saving.
- New Permission Node: towny.admin.spawn
- Grants admin spawn priviledges, without cooldowns/warmups/spawncosts.
- Child Node: towny.command.townyadmin.town.spawn.freecharge
- Is itself a childnode of towny.admin.
- Closes: #3936.
- Removed Permission Nodes:
- towny.command.townyadmin.town.spawn
- towny.command.townyadmin.nation.spawn
- Replaced by the above towny.admin.spawn node.
- Fix min_distance_between_homeblocks likely not working very well.
- Changed: towns in the same nation now bypass the min_distance_from_town_homeblock & min_plot_distance_from_town_plot config values.
- Allows for nations to connect seamlessly while still keeping towns not in the same nation from claiming close to each other.
- Closes #3913.
- Fix DrawSmokeFactory offset to move smoke puffs up from inside the blocks.
- Fix ghost townblocks that are missing a town not being deleted at startup.
- Add Essentials to soft-depends.
- Fix movement-cancels-spawning showing cancel message when because you waited patiently and spawned.
- Fix out-dated comments in config re: spawning costs.
- French.yml updated to 0.82, courtesy of Yldales with PR #3958.
- Allow TownyMessaging to use more than 54 characters per line, courtesy of v3Monsta with PR #3946.
- Fix german lang file.
- Fix "Modes set: " appearing when there are no modes to set, courtesy of v3Monsta with PR #3941.
- Closes #3857.
- Confirmation and invitations prefixes are now translatable, courtesy of v3Monsta with PR #3938.
- Language files bumped to 0.82.
- Fix overlapping confirmations properly cancelling previous ones, courtesy of Siris with PR #3902.
- Clickable navigation arrows on /n list and /t list pages, courtesy of Siris with PR #3937.
- Requires using Spigot or Paper or equivalent.
- Closes #3853.
- Make sure clickable texts are using the full command and not shortened versions.
- pt-br.yml updated to 0.82 courtesy of vsdepontes with PR #3930.
- Fix nations being able to kick towns from their nation during war.
- To prevent nations not having to defend all of their towns in war.
- Fix non-warring Towns from still being able to be considered as attackers in Event war.
- Fix flying players being able to count as townblock attackers/defenders in Event war.
- Fix resident's Town and Nation ranks being able to double up, which caused rare issues with TownyNameUpdater.
- Also catching the ConcurrentModificationException if it does somehow occur again.
- Closes #3912.
- REQUIRED CHANGE: at protection.item_use_ids
- will prevent players from stripping logs in unwanted locations.
- Unify code called when explosions are being reverted and ProtectionRegenTasks are created.
- Explosion code clean up.
- Should not be possible to duplicate any block ever again.
- Fixed loading townblocks that do not use the config's current town_block_size.
- These townblocks will not be loaded into memory, but will remain in the database in case someone switches their town_block_size without realizing what it would do.
- Closes #3924.
- Fixed ChunkNotifications in the action_bar set to last for 3 or less seconds causing NPEs.
- Closes #3923.
- Fix mysql DB's nation's losing many of their settings.
- Language files bumped to 0.81.
- New Config Option: global_town_settings.damage_cancels_spawn_warmup
- Default: false
- When set to true, if players are damaged in any way while in a spawn warmup, their spawning will be cancelled.
- Closes #3916.
- Fix mysql DB's nation's not loading their registered date or metadata, spotted by Silverwolfg11.
- Fix mysql DB's towns losing residents on load.
Warning: This build will delete unused townblocks the first time you run it.
Do not worry, these are for Towns that no longer existed. You might have a none to delete, you might have a bunch.
- Language files bumped to 0.80.
- Added Placeholder: %townyadvanced_player_status%
- Displays Nomad, Resident, Mayor or King, depending on what position the player is in.
- Closes #3907.
- Fix /t buy bonus command not working after cost confirmation added.
- Fix some costs in confirmations not being formatted by the TownyEconomyHandler.
- Add cost confirmations to /t new and /n new commands.
- Added advice message to mayor when they create their town, advising them about upkeep, depositing money and when the next upkeep will be taken.
- Closes #3843.
- Properly delete townblocks which belong to towns that no longer exist.
- Bump language files to 0.79.
- Fix some untranslatable strings in the PlayerCacheUtil.
- Fix /plot set perm on|off not giving feedback and saving.
- Fix for non-empty saving queues not finishing on shutdown, courtesy of Siris with PR #3877.
- Credit to Silverwolfg11 for finding above issue.
- Added: Dynamic Nation Colours, courtesy of Goosius with PR #3869.
- using /n set mapcolor, nations can set their own colour on dynmap-towny webpages.
- list of available colours to be used is set in the config.yml at global_nation_settings.allowed_map_colors
- New Command: /n set mapcolor {color}
- Used by a king to set their colour seen on dynmap-towny webpages.
- New Config Option: global_nation_settings.allowed_map_colors
- default: aqua:00ffff, azure:f0ffff, beige:f5f5dc, black:000000, blue:0000ff, brown:a52a2a, cyan:00ffff, darkblue:00008b, darkcyan:008b8b, darkgrey:a9a9a9, darkgreen:006400, darkkhaki:bdb76b, darkmagenta:8b008b, darkolivegreen:556b2f, darkorange:ff8c00, darkorchid:9932cc, darkred:8b0000, darksalmon:e9967a, darkviolet:9400d3, fuchsia:ff00ff, gold:ffd700, green:008000, indigo:4b0082, khaki:f0e68c, lightblue:add8e6, lightcyan:e0ffff, lightgreen:90ee90, lightgrey:d3d3d3, lightpink:ffb6c1, lightyellow:ffffe0, lime:00ff00, magenta:ff00ff, maroon:800000, navy:000080, olive:808000, orange:ffa500, pink:ffc0cb, purple:800080, violet:800080, red:ff0000, silver:c0c0c0, white:ffffff, yellow:ffff00
- This setting determines the list of allowed nation map colors.
- The color codes are in hex format.
- New Permission Node: towny.command.nation.set.mapcolor
- Child Node of towny.command.nation.set.*
- Existing installs do not have to grant this node to Kings, they will already inherit it as long as they have the above node.
- Fix /plot group commands missing their permission nodes.
- New Permission Nodes: towny.command.plot.group.*
- Child Nodes:
- towny.command.plot.group.add: true
- towny.command.plot.group.remove: true
- towny.command.plot.group.rename: true
- towny.command.plot.group.set: true
- towny.command.plot.group.toggle: true
- towny.command.plot.group.forsale: true
- towny.command.plot.group.notforsale: true
- Allow for other plugins to modify the TownPreClaim cancellation message.
- Closes #3814.
- Remove /town unclaim outpost from /town unclaim ?
- Add /ta unclaim & /plot unclaim tab completes.
- Closes #3883.
- Add ignoreCancelled=true to onPlayerTakeLecternBookEvent to prevent Towny overriding plugins who've already stopped taking a book.
- Closes #3894.
- Add Placeholders:
- %townyadvanced_town_ranks% - Displays either Mayor, or the various town ranks a player has or nothing if they have none.
- %townyadvanced_nation_ranks% - Displays either King, or the various nation ranks a player has or nothing if they have none.
- Closes #3695.
- Revamped Confirmation system, courtesy of Siris with PR #3892.
- New Command: /ta town [town] outlaw [add|remove] [name]
- Allows admins to add/remove outlaws from a town.
- Closes #3778.
- New Config Option: global_town_settings.maximum_number_residents_without_nation
- default: 0
- When set above zero this is the largest number of residents a town can support before they join/create a nation.
- Do not set this value to an amount less than the global_town_settings.required_number_residents_join_nation.
- Do not set this value to an amount less than the global_town_settings.required_number_residents_create_nation.
- This will not remove residents from nation-less towns that are already above the limit, they will not be able to invite more.
- Closes #3720.
- New Config Option: plugin.day_timer.delete_0_plot_towns
- Default: false
- Whether towns with no claimed townblocks should be deleted when the new day is run.
- Closes #3746.
- Add confirmation of cost for /plot claim command when plots are priced higher than 0.
- Add confirmation of cost for spawn commands when costs are higher than 0, courtesy of Siris with PR #3861.
- Closes #3828.
- Fix: nation-requires-proximity feature should be working much better now.
- Added: For the nation-requires-proximity feature:
- Moving homeblocks will now tell the mayor if their town will leave their nation for moving too far from the homeblock.
- Moving homeblocks will now tell the king if any of their towns will leave their nation for moveing their homeblock too far away.
- Merging nations will now be made aware if any of the towns will leave the prevailing nation when the two nations merge.
- Add confirmations to town and nation renames if their costs are higher than 0.
- New Command: /ta depositall [amount]
- Adds amount to all towns' and all nations' banks.
- Requires towny.command.townyadmin.depositall, which is a child node of towny.command.townyadmin.*.
- Add confirmations to /plot set type when costs are higher than 0.
- Add confirmation to /town buy bonus command.
- Cost confirmation added to /plot set outpost, courtesy of Siris with PR #3900.
- Cleanup and microperformance pull request, courtesy of Articdive with PR #3802.
- Make /ta reload more specific, courtesy of Siris with PR #3851.
- Command now breaks into 5 subcommands: /ta reload <database|perms|config|lang|all>
- Changed Command: /ta reload
- /ta reload {database|db} - reloads the database.
- /ta reload {perms|townyperms|permissions} - reloads townyperms.yml
- /ta reload config - reloads the config & language file.
- /ta reload lang - reloads the language file.
- /ta reload all - reloads everything like /ta reload used to do.
- Add separate tax limits for towns, nations and townblocks, courtesy of Siris with PR #3860.
- The old max_tax_amount is removed.
- Adds the following new config options:
- New Config Options:
- economy.daily_taxes.max_plot_tax_amount
- default: 1000.0
- Maximum tax amount allowed for townblocks sold to players.
- economy.daily_taxes.max_town_tax_amount
- default: 1000.0
- Maximum tax amount allowed for towns when using flat taxes.
- economy.daily_taxes.max_nation_tax_amount
- default: 1000.0
- Maximum tax amount allowed for nations when using flat taxes.
- economy.daily_taxes.max_town_tax_percent
- default: 25
- Maximum tax percentage allowed when taxing by percentages for towns.
- economy.daily_taxes.max_plot_tax_amount
- Removed Config Option: economy.daily_taxes.max_tax_amount
- Replaced by the above new config options.
- polish.yml added courtesy of Martinez.
- Cleanup/Micro-optimization pull request, courtesy of Silverwolfg11 with PR #3866.
- Use Paperlib for Async Chunk Loading, courtesy of Siris with PR #3871.
- Servers using Paper will benefit from faster chunk loading when players are teleported via Towny.
- Fix regression in PVP world settings.
- It is now again possible to have PVP false in a world, but let the town/townblock override that.
- Closes #3863.
- Fix for Nation&TownSpawnEvents causing titles/chunknotifications early, courtesy of Siris with PR #3872.
- API: Added NationBonusCalculationEvent, courtesy of Silverworldg11 with PR #3873.
- Allows plugins to modify the nation bonus returned by a nation.
- This is a particularly useful if plugins want to add nation bonus blocks based on their own specific criteria rather than what is determined by Towny config.
- New Feature: movement-cancels-spawn-warmup.
- Will not affect players with the towny.admin node.
- Removes essentials from the SpawnUtil.
- Closes #3619.
- New Config Option: global_town_settings.movement_cancels_spawn_warmup
- Default: false
- When set to true, if players are currently in a spawn warmup, moving will cancel their spawn.
- Fix /plot set TYPE, always trying to pay into the closed_economy SERVER_ACCOUNT, even when closed_economy is false.
- Closes #3870.
- Fix onStructureGrow NPE seen in logs.
- Fix negative upkeep feature not working any longer.
- Closes #3874.
- Fix EventWar bug when winner_takes_ownership_of_townblocks is true.
- Closes #3862.
- Fix message output when a single town or nation is fallen because of upkeep costs.
- Closes #3856.
- Fix SQL saveAllTownBlocks() returning false all of the time, preventing a server from switching from flatfile to mysql storage.
- Closes #3864.
- pt-br.yml updated to 0.77 courtesy of bane with PR #3865.
- TownBlocks database refactor:
- TownBlocks are no longer saved to a TownyWorld.
- They are now saved to the Town.
- This allows for much easier saving operations.
- For flatfile databases: towny\data\townblocks.txt no longer used (you may delete this after updating.)
- When townblocks are unclaimed they are now moved to a towny\data\townsblocks\WORLDNAME\deleted\TOWNNAME\ folder.
- This allows for easy restoration of townblocks which do get removed, whatever the cause.
- This will hopefully end the occurance of disappearing townblocks and fix the following tickets: #3783 #3796 #3813 #3821 #3844.
- This refactor has been tested fairly thoroughly, but it is always advised to back up your server before updating Towny.
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Important Links |
Click Here for a full changelog |
Towny Install Guide |
How to Update an Existing Towny |
Towny Permission Nodes |
How Towny Works |