HeteroGen: transpiling C to heterogeneous HLS code with automated test generation and program repair (ASPLOS 2022)
Despite the trend of incorporating heterogeneity and specialization in hardware, the development of heterogeneous applications is limited to a handful of engineers with deep hardware expertise. We propose HeteroGen that takes C/C++ code as input and automatically generates an HLS version with test behavior preservation and better performance. Key to the success of HeteroGen is adapting the idea of search-based program repair to the heterogeneous computing domain, while addressing two technical challenges. First, the turn-around time of HLS compilation and simulation is much longer than the usual C/C++ compilation and execution time; therefore, HeteroGen applies pattern-oriented program edits guided by common fix patterns and their dependences. Second, behavior and performance checking requires testing, but test cases are often unavailable. Thus, HeteroGen auto-generates test inputs suitable for checking C to HLS-C conversion errors, while providing high branch coverage for the original C code. An evaluation of HeteroGen shows that it produces an HLS-compatible version for nine out of ten real-world heterogeneous applications fully automatically, applying up to 438 lines of edits to produce an HLS version 1.63x faster than the original version.
This project is led by Professor Miryung Kim(http://web.cs.ucla.edu/~miryung)'s group at UCLA.
Qian Zhang: Postdoctoral researcher, [email protected];
Jiyuan Wang: PhD student, [email protected];
Harry Xu: Associate Professor, [email protected];
Miryung Kim: Professor at UCLA, [email protected];
Please refer to our ASPLOS'22 paper, HeteroGen: transpiling C to heterogeneous HLS code with automated test generation and program repair for more details.
@inproceedings{10.1145/3503222.3507748, author = {Zhang, Qian and Wang, Jiyuan and Xu, Guoqing Harry and Kim, Miryung}, title = {HeteroGen: Transpiling C to Heterogeneous HLS Code with Automated Test Generation and Program Repair}, year = {2022}, isbn = {9781450392051}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3503222.3507748}, doi = {10.1145/3503222.3507748}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems}, pages = {1017–1029}, numpages = {13}, keywords = {test generation, Heterogeneous applications, program repair}, location = {Lausanne, Switzerland}, series = {ASPLOS 2022} } DOI Link
Artifact submission for ASPLOS 2022.
As described in our extended abstract, the artifacts of HeteroGen include:
- HLS error study: 1-error-study.pdf
- Fuzzing-based test generation:
folder - Auomated code edits for error removal:
folder test-program
contains our running example for this artifact submission.
Please follow the instructions in each folder.