This repository will contain your course project. You should keep the repository organized by putting all your source code into the package src
, put all of your tests in the package test
, and put your examples and the code you use to run everything in examples in examples
In addition to the code you will write, you should prepare a preliminary report. This can either be a PDF or a file which can be viewed in a web browser. Put your report in the doc/checkpoint
folder in the repository, which should contain any files and figures, as well as instructions to generate the PDF or html files (if they are generated from LaTeX, Markdown, etc.)
Your report should have the following sections.
- A brief introduction to the topic of your project. Cite any resources that contribute to your discussion.
- An introduction to the numerical methods or packages that you will use in your project, and notation you will use. Please be sure to clearly explain what it is that you are computing and cite any resources that contribute to your discussion.
- A brief description of how you are structuring the Python package
. - A description of what tests are in
. - Report on your preliminary investigations into the effectiveness of your method.
- Your proposed variations/improvements for the final project.
Section 1 should not be very long. Efforts should be made to keep section 2 concise, but its length will depend on your project. Section 3 should be very brief (about 1 paragraph). Section 4 does not need to be very detailed, and you don't need to tell us about successful tests. Section 5 should include several figures.
Section 6 should include your proposed variation(s) and extension(s) for the project. You should have subsections for each proposed variation which include the following information:
- What questions you want to answer in the final report, and how you would try to answer these questions using simulations.
- Any changes to the code in the variation
- If you are using data, where you will obtain the data
- If your variation uses a model or idea from a paper or website, include any references
Your report should have a list of references - likely some for your background on the topic and some on the method that you will use.
90% of the checkpoint grade will be shared by members of your teams. This will consist of:
- 40% code (quality, correctness, etc.)
- 50% preliminary report
The report portion of the project will be partly evaluated based on the clarity of your writing, so please ensure that your report is clear and cohesive.
10% of the checkpoint grade will be based on teammate evaluations. These evaluations will be kept confidential. If you believe your score to be unfair, you can reach out to the instruction staff. We will look at git logs/history if we need to resolve any disputes. If you do not participate at all, we reserve the right to remove you from the team.