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caxwl edited this page Oct 18, 2016 · 1 revision

   Tea Version    1.401
       MPI Version
    OpenMP Version
   Task Count     64
 Thread Count:     1
 Tea will run from the following input:-
state 1 density=100.0 energy=0.0001                                                                 
state 2 density=0.1 energy=25.0 geometry=rectangle xmin=0.0 xmax=1.0 ymin=1.0 ymax=2.0              
state 3 density=0.1 energy=0.1 geometry=rectangle xmin=1.0 xmax=6.0 ymin=1.0 ymax=2.0               
state 4 density=0.1 energy=0.1 geometry=rectangle xmin=5.0 xmax=6.0 ymin=1.0 ymax=8.0               
state 5 density=0.1 energy=0.1 geometry=rectangle xmin=5.0 xmax=10.0 ymin=7.0 ymax=8.0              
 Initialising and generating
 Reading input file
 Reading specification for state            1
            state density   0.1000E+03
             state energy   0.1000E-03
 Reading specification for state            2
            state density   0.1000E+00
             state energy   0.2500E+02
 state geometry rectangular
               state xmin   0.0000E+00
               state xmax   0.1000E+01
               state ymin   0.1000E+01
               state ymax   0.2000E+01
 Reading specification for state            3
            state density   0.1000E+00
             state energy   0.1000E+00
 state geometry rectangular
               state xmin   0.1000E+01
               state xmax   0.6000E+01
               state ymin   0.1000E+01
               state ymax   0.2000E+01
 Reading specification for state            4
            state density   0.1000E+00
             state energy   0.1000E+00
 state geometry rectangular
               state xmin   0.5000E+01
               state xmax   0.6000E+01
               state ymin   0.1000E+01
               state ymax   0.8000E+01
 Reading specification for state            5
            state density   0.1000E+00
             state energy   0.1000E+00
 state geometry rectangular
               state xmin   0.5000E+01
               state xmax   0.1000E+02
               state ymin   0.7000E+01
               state ymax   0.8000E+01
                   x_cells        1000
                   y_cells        1000
                      xmin  0.0000E+00
                      ymin  0.0000E+00
                      xmax  0.1000E+02
                      ymax  0.1000E+02
         initial_timestep   0.4000E-02
                  end_step          10
              test_problem           6
                halo_depth           1
               Profiler on
       tl_ppcg_inner_steps         124
           tiles per task            1
 Using Fortran Kernels
 Input read finished.
 Setting up initial geometry
 Mesh ratio of    1.000000    
 Decomposing the mesh into            8  by            8  chunks
 Decomposing each chunk into            1  by            1  tiles
 Generating chunk
 Problem initialised and generated
 Time   0.000000000000000E+000
                                 Volume                      Mass                   Density                    Energy                         U
 step:      0   0.99999999999999787E+02   0.84015999999999985E+04   0.84016000000000162E+02   0.34899999999999993E+01   0.84264999999999844E+02
 Starting the calculation
 Step       1 time   0.0000000 timestep   4.00E-03
Switching after 189 CG its, error   0.9421317E+00
Eigen min  0.110721E+01 Eigen max  0.335931E+04 Condition number   3034.040019 Error  0.970635E+00
Conduction error  0.1869242E-15
Iteration count      193
PPCG Iteration count     868 (Total     1061)
      Solve Time    0.4445669651    Its    194     Time Per It    0.0022915823
 Wall clock   0.445904970169067     
 Average time per cell   4.459049701690674E-007
 Step time per cell      4.459059238433838E-007
 Step       2 time   0.0040000 timestep   4.00E-03
Switching after   2 CG its, error   0.1819567E+05
Eigen min  0.110721E+01 Eigen max  0.335931E+04 Condition number   3034.040019 Error  0.134891E+03
Conduction error  0.3825443E-16
Iteration count        9
PPCG Iteration count    1240 (Total     1249)
      Solve Time    0.4430999756    Its     10     Time Per It    0.0443099976
 Wall clock   0.889275074005127     
 Average time per cell   4.446375370025635E-007
 Step time per cell      4.432771205902100E-007
 Step       3 time   0.0080000 timestep   4.00E-03
Switching after   2 CG its, error   0.6639366E+03
Eigen min  0.110721E+01 Eigen max  0.335931E+04 Condition number   3034.040019 Error  0.257670E+02
Conduction error  0.3947795E-16
Iteration count        9
PPCG Iteration count    1240 (Total     1249)
      Solve Time    0.4434740543    Its     10     Time Per It    0.0443474054
 Wall clock    1.33306789398193     
 Average time per cell   4.443559646606445E-007
 Step time per cell      4.436719417572021E-007
 Step       4 time   0.0120000 timestep   4.00E-03
Switching after   2 CG its, error   0.2408041E+02
Eigen min  0.110721E+01 Eigen max  0.335931E+04 Condition number   3034.040019 Error  0.490718E+01
Conduction error  0.2451261E-16
Iteration count        9
PPCG Iteration count    1240 (Total     1249)
      Solve Time    0.4432451725    Its     10     Time Per It    0.0443245173
 Wall clock    1.77658700942993     
 Average time per cell   4.441467523574829E-007
 Step time per cell      4.434239864349365E-007
 Step       5 time   0.0160000 timestep   4.00E-03
Switching after   2 CG its, error   0.5992788E+01
Eigen min  0.110721E+01 Eigen max  0.335931E+04 Condition number   3034.040019 Error  0.244802E+01
Conduction error  0.1801727E-16
Iteration count        9
PPCG Iteration count    1240 (Total     1249)
      Solve Time    0.4435288906    Its     10     Time Per It    0.0443528891
 Wall clock    2.22038602828979     
 Average time per cell   4.440772056579590E-007
 Step time per cell      4.437060356140137E-007
 Step       6 time   0.0200000 timestep   4.00E-03
Switching after   2 CG its, error   0.2046145E+01
Eigen min  0.110721E+01 Eigen max  0.335931E+04 Condition number   3034.040019 Error  0.143044E+01
Conduction error  0.7058097E-15
Iteration count        8
PPCG Iteration count    1116 (Total     1124)
      Solve Time    0.3992750645    Its      9     Time Per It    0.0443638961
 Wall clock    2.61998605728149     
 Average time per cell   4.366643428802490E-007
 Step time per cell      3.994731903076172E-007
 Step       7 time   0.0240000 timestep   4.00E-03
Switching after   2 CG its, error   0.8121018E+00
Eigen min  0.110721E+01 Eigen max  0.335931E+04 Condition number   3034.040019 Error  0.901167E+00
Conduction error  0.6346444E-15
Iteration count        8
PPCG Iteration count    1116 (Total     1124)
      Solve Time    0.3992080688    Its      9     Time Per It    0.0443564521
 Wall clock    3.01947307586670     
 Average time per cell   4.313532965523856E-007
 Step time per cell      3.993911743164062E-007
 Step       8 time   0.0280000 timestep   4.00E-03
Switching after   2 CG its, error   0.3755041E+00
Eigen min  0.110721E+01 Eigen max  0.335931E+04 Condition number   3034.040019 Error  0.612784E+00
Conduction error  0.5320126E-15
Iteration count        8
PPCG Iteration count    1116 (Total     1124)
      Solve Time    0.3994770050    Its      9     Time Per It    0.0443863339
 Wall clock    3.41927599906921     
 Average time per cell   4.274094998836517E-007
 Step time per cell      3.996779918670654E-007
 Step       9 time   0.0320000 timestep   4.00E-03
Switching after   2 CG its, error   0.2038266E+00
Eigen min  0.110721E+01 Eigen max  0.335931E+04 Condition number   3034.040019 Error  0.451472E+00
Conduction error  0.4354999E-15
Iteration count        8
PPCG Iteration count    1116 (Total     1124)
      Solve Time    0.3994829655    Its      9     Time Per It    0.0443869962
 Wall clock    3.81907391548157     
 Average time per cell   4.243415461646186E-007
 Step time per cell      3.996729850769043E-007
 Step      10 time   0.0360000 timestep   4.00E-03
Switching after   2 CG its, error   0.1269446E+00
Eigen min  0.110721E+01 Eigen max  0.335931E+04 Condition number   3034.040019 Error  0.356293E+00
Conduction error  0.3751628E-15
Iteration count        8
PPCG Iteration count    1116 (Total     1124)
      Solve Time    0.3990349770    Its      9     Time Per It    0.0443372197
 Time   4.000000000000001E-002
                                 Volume                      Mass                   Density                    Energy                         U
 step:     10   0.99999999999999787E+02   0.84015999999999985E+04   0.84016000000000162E+02   0.34899999999998732E+01   0.97277332048977840E+02
 Wall clock    4.21898984909058     
 Average time per cell   4.218989849090576E-007
 Step time per cell      3.998219966888428E-007
 Time   4.000000000000001E-002
                                 Volume                      Mass                   Density                    Energy                         U
 step:     10   0.99999999999999787E+02   0.84015999999999985E+04   0.84016000000000162E+02   0.34899999999998732E+01   0.97277332048977840E+02
 Calculation complete
 Tea is finishing
 First step overhead  2.629041671752930E-003
 Wall clock    4.21968889236450     
Profiler Output                 Time            Percentage
Timestep              :          0.0032          0.0770
MPI Halo Exchange     :          2.0780         49.2458
Self Halo Update      :          0.1243          2.9454
Internal Halo Update  :          0.0032          0.0748
Summary               :          0.0004          0.0093
Visit                 :          0.0000          0.0000
Tea Init              :          0.0081          0.1924
Dot Product           :          0.0827          1.9597
Tea Solve             :          1.9031         45.1005
Tea Reset             :          0.0009          0.0204
Set Field             :          0.0000          0.0000
Total                 :          4.2039         99.6252
The Rest              :          0.0158          0.3748
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