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UnifyID iOS SDK Reference


  • Swift 5.1 or greater
  • iOS 10.0 or greater
  • Xcode 11.6 or greater
  • CocoaPods 1.10.0 or greater.

Next Steps

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CocoaPods 1.10.0 or greater is now required. In order to support Xcode 12 and up, the SDK is now packaged as xcframework binaries. Only CocoaPods 1.10.0 and greater have support for this version of Xcode and for xcframework files.

To upgrade CocoaPods, update the version in your Gemfile and then run bundle update

gem 'cocoapods', '~> 1.10.0'

Or upgrade your system installation of CocoaPods if you do not use Bundler.

# with sudo if using system ruby
gem install cocoapods

Setting up CocoaPods

Add the UnifyID pod to your app target.

platform :ios, '10.0'

target 'MyApp' do
  pod 'UnifyID/GaitAuth'

Manual Integration

The UnifyID SDK is also distributed in the form of XCFramework files which may be directly dragged into your xcodeproj file to link the SDK. This section will guide you through the process of manually integrating the SDK.


  • Xcode 12.0 is required to manually link against binary xcframeworks. This process may work under Xcode 11.X, but stability is not guaranteed.
  • You must have access to download the latest public release artifacts from the UnifyID/unifyid-ios-sdk GitHub Repo


  1. Download the UnifyID framework artifacts into a local vendor folder in your project. All SDK targets will require the UnifyID-Core release frameworks (UnifyID, SwiftProtobuf & Clibsodium) in addition to the frameworks provided by a GaitAuth/PushAuth/HumanDetect release. Unzip the downloaded files to extract the xcframeworks.

  2. Open your Xcode project or workspace and navigate to the "Build Phases" tab of your application target. Expand the "Link Binary with Libraries" section and drag the xcframework files directly from Finder into the window. Assuming the framework files are already in your project folder, you should uncheck the "Copy Files" box so the frameworks are added as references to their current location in your project directory. After the frameworks have been added they should appear in a new Frameworks folder in the project navigator in your left sidebar as well as in the build phases section.

    Link Binary with Libraries Build Phase
  3. Still on the "Build Phases" tab, click the + icon in the top left to add a new build phase. Choose the New Copy Files Phase option and select Frameworks as the destination. As the UnifyID SDK is split into multiple frameworks, the dynamic frameworks need to be copied into the application bundle so that they appear in the framework search path at runtime. In this section, you just need to include the UnifyID module you are using (UnifyID, GaitAuth, PushAuth or HumanDetect) as well as SwiftProtobuf.

    Copy Files Build Phase
    Embedded Frameworks
  4. At the end, your build phases window should look like the following:

    Configured Build Phases
  5. Add a custom build setting in your xcconfig file to disable unsupported architectures. The following setting means that the project cannot be run in the iOS Simulator on 32 bit Macs or Arm-based Apple Silicon Macs. The latter is on our roadmap to support, but is not working at present. Please file a GitHub issue if this will block your workflow.

    EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*] = i386 arm64

    See this article on xcconfig files and this site on Xcode build settings for more information.