A collection of random programs I've made in various languages.
- C#_Programs
- Calculator7 (Project - Many files)
- C++_Programs
- Java
- MatLab
- Mega_Project_List_Solutions
- Python_Programs
- Interview Practice
- Many subfolders and files, see above link.
- Shortest_Solution_Challenge
- almost_pi.py
- aofive.py
- bear_pyramid.py
- box_drawing.py
- chocolates.py
- coach.py
- count_digits.py
- count_sub.py
- counting_digits.py
- decorate_comment.py
- dice_probability.py
- find_the_single_value.py
- digital_root.py
- dominant_species.py
- dot_product.py
- encryption.com
- fact_digits.py
- fibonacci_sequence.py
- find_and_replace.py
- find_the_difference.py
- happy_new_year.py
- hexadecimal.py
- integer_average.py
- is_bin_symmetry
- last_power.py
- majority_element.py
- make_bricks.py
- make_palindrome.py
- merge_arrays.py
- mult35.py
- nth_row_sum.py
- number_of_zeros.py
- palindromic_number.py
- permutations_sum
- pig_latin.py
- press_button.py
- replace_words.py
- reverse_number.py
- same_encryption.py
- smallest_integer.py
- smallest_negative.py
- stick_or_chopsticks.py
- sum_groups.py
- sum_occur.py
- sum_of_consecutive_numbers.py
- sum_of_multiples_3_or_5.py
- towers_of_hanoi.py
- triangle.py
- triangular_numbers.py
- two_primes.py
- virus_scan.py
- well_ordered_number.py
- Interview Practice
- Shell