Interactive Resume of Vibhu Agarwal.
$ vibhu
Hi! This is Vibhu Agarwal and I welcome you to my interactive Resume.
How to get to know me better? Just see how to play with this portfolio by typing this command:
vibhu -h
$ vibhu -h
usage: vibhu [-h] [-name] [-resume] [-profile] [-location] [-contact] [-need]
[-summary] [-skills] [-handles] [-education] [-foss] [-projects]
[-work] [-org]
Interactive Resume of Vibhu Agarwal.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-name Prints my full name.
-resume Prints my full Resume
-profile Prints my basic profile.
-location Fetches my current whereabouts.
-contact Lists down my contact points.
-need When should you contact me?
-summary Fetches information about which tools I've worked with
and how much.
-skills Lists down my skill set.
-handles Lists down my various public profiles on various
platforms (GitHub, LinkedIn, ...)
-education Fetches my education history.
-foss Fetches my major open-source contributions.
-projects, -projies Lists down some of the projects I've worked on.
-work Fetches details about my past work experience.
-org Lists down Developer Communities I've been a part of.
$ vibhu -name
|Name: Vibhu Agarwal |