DailyRewards v1.2.0 API5/6/7
Hey! From this time versions are splitted!
New Feauters:
- Added Notification system for players - now they will be notificated it they have forgotten about their reward!(optional)
- Fixed bugs connected with daycap
- Versions for different API now splitted
- Now you can use & in item name and lore
If you want to use this version, you should EITHER DELETE and generate new one, or CHANGE your config file.
If you don't want delete your config file, just add this strings to existing ones:
- messages-amount: 3 // amount of messages which player will recieve if he didn't take his reward. (0 to turn off)
- time-interval: 600 //time interval in seconds between messages. (0 to turn off)
- show-rewards-on-join=true //shows rewards to player when he joins or not
- rewards-notification: "Hey, you forgot about your reward! Use /dr show command to take it!"