Repo to store high-level issues
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- Tom mentions 4D Convolutions
- (See wikipedia page on Smooth Pursuit for psychological motivation)
- 3D convolution across a small number of frames
- e.g. 5 frames, therefore 3x3x5 kernel size for 1st layer
- Stride 2 to downsample the image progressively
- Upsample the image back to 64x64 to produce each pixel
- May have issues extracting features
- not able to produce a frame / pixel embedding
- Noura suggests that simple next frame prediction is a heavily studied task, so this does not add anything new. It must show that useful features can be extracted to add novel contributions
- 4D Convolutions: incorporate long term dependencies via a 4th Convolutional dimension
- The task itself of frame prediction is more useful than next work prediction, so a left-right transformer could be more useful vs a generative model using masking
- Read paper: Unsupervised Learning for Physical Interaction through Video Prediction
- Dataset object for bouncing ball dataset
- Continued work on the Convolutional Model and Transformer model from Winterbottom and Dean, respectively
Hudson has implemented a basic 2d bouncing circle.
Testing if the model is capable of self learning conservation of momentum and law of reflection by varying the following (as initial PoC):
- Varying circle size
- Varying initial velocity and position
- Constrain the initial velocity to be no more than half the distance between the initial position and the boundary
This will be tested on CNN and Transformer based models to begin with.
- Look into potential Pixel Embedding Space.
- Will need for each pixel a positional encoding, and a temporal encoding.
- Positional and temporal can be combined into the same 3D encoding for 2D videos and 4D encoding for 3D videos
- Need to read up on how BERT treat embeddings encodings (relative or not)
Long term dependencies will be a problem in the future, but not within the scope of this initial work - as we are only modeling physical laws which do not require long-term observational memory.
- Hudson will incorporate the parameter space search (using the variables described above) to generate the dataset
- Dean will look at whats required for the transformer to do the video prediction task for a sequence of 2D images (positional/temporal encodings + pixel embedding space)
- Zheming will look at the latest techniques used in Vision for video prediction and add to literature review.
- Tom W - Fixed bug for model (was treating images as binary)
- Tom H - Added masking to dataset
- Continue modelling (Some results by next week)