PSBlitz v3.2.0 - 1 year anniversary
What's new:
PSBlitz was updated with June release of Brent's First Responder Kit - #92
PSBlitz now returns information about opened transactions belonging to either active or sleeping sessions - #86
Split index fragmentation and stats info script - #83
spBlitzIndex_NonSPLatest.sql now has @BringThePain = 1
by default - #91
PSBlitz now checks for exclusive lock held on tables before attempting to get index fragmentation info - #95
Index fragmentation info now also shows the index size in GB - #84
Reduced the scope of stats info to tables with 10k+ rows, and index fragmentation info to indexes with at least 52k pages (~400MB)
PSBlitz's main comment block has been rewritten into comment-based help - #93
Bug fixes:
Hostname appears twice in the output directory's name when PSBlitz runs against default instances - #85
HTML output - Top 10 Queries - query link isn't generated for queries that don't have execution plans - #89
GetBlitzWhoData.sql does not filter by database name when CheckDB is used - #94
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