PSBlitz v5.0.0 - optimizations and improved error handling for query execution, Excel and HTML report handling
LatestWhat's new:
Reduced repetitive code while improving code readability, performance, and error handling
- The following process are now handled in their own dedicated functions:
- Deadlock graph file name generation is now handled in spBlitzLock_NonSPLatest.sql - #296
- Datetime and varbinary conversions to string are now handled in the .sql scripts - #291
The above changes have slimmed down PSBlitz.ps1 to 4751 lines (4313 loc) from 7074 lines (6553 loc).
Result sets updates for stability and report file size
- The following checks/report pages now have hard limits on the generated result sets and/or unnecessary columns have been removed:
- Index Usage - limited to 10k records - #293
- (Detailed) Index Diagnostics - limited to 10k records - #293
- Raw session activity - removed columns that don't change during the execution of a request - #295
- Stats Info - limited to 10k records ordered by modified percent descending.
- Index Fragmentation Info - limited to 20k records ordered by avg fragmentation percent descending, size descending.
- Wait Stats and Perfmon Stats - removed Pattern column - #290
Informational changes
- Added warning about opening and closing Excel during PSblitz execution when Excel output is used - #287
- Added known issue regarding using Excel while PSBlitz is running and Excel output is used - #289
Bug fixes
- You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression. Statement $ExcelSheet.Cells.Item($ExcelStartRow, $ExcelColNum) = $DateForExcel.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") - #285
- Major code rewrite - optimizations and improved error handling for query execution, Excel and HTML report handling by @VladDBA in #298
Full Changelog: v4.5.0...v5.0.0