<canvas-video> plays back video or web camera feeds. Playback is offered on an internal canvas as well. Consumers can draw directly into this canvas, get a copy of the framedata or even take the canvas context for use on another canvas
note: attributes are not observed and therefore will not react to changes
useCamera (boolean) If present, the component will use your webcam
src (string) If present, this will set the source video of your component. If useCamera is present, this source can either be an integer or ID to represent your webcam
useCanvasForDisplay (boolean) If present, this component will hide the video, and instead show the internal canvas that draws the frames from the vidoe
frameDataMode (string: "imagedataurl" (default), or "imagedata" Setting for the data in the event that occurs when the frame is redrawn.
imagedataurl good for setting the source of an img tag or similar
imagedata good for applying to another canvas element
canvasRefreshInterval (integer) How often, in milliseconds, the internal canvas is refreshed. Default is 250ms which is a bit choppy To see results, be sure to use with "useCanvasForDisplay". Alternately, use this to drive regular update events
canvasScale (float/number) Scaling of the canvas and scale of image data from the frame update events. 0.5, for example will show content at half size
src (string) source of component
canvasContext (context 2D) canvas render context
useCanvasForDisplay (boolean) If present, this component will hide the video, and instead show the internal canvas that draws the frames from the vidoe
frameDataMode (string: "imagedataurl" (default), or "imagedata" Setting for the data in the event that occurs when the frame is redrawn.
imagedataurl good for setting the source of an img tag or similar
imagedata good for applying to another canvas element
canvasRefreshInterval (integer) How often, in milliseconds, the internal canvas is refreshed. Default is 250ms which is a bit choppy To see results, be sure to use with "useCanvasForDisplay". Alternately, use this to drive regular update events
canvasScale (float/number) Scaling of the canvas and scale of image data from the frame update events. 0.5, for example will show content at half size
flipCanvasHorizontally (boolean) flips the canvas horizontally
width (number) width of component
height (number) height of component
aspectRatio (number) aspect ratio of video
videoRect ({x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number }) video rectangle relative to component bounding box
isReady (boolean) is component ready
isPlaying (boolean) is video source playing
- resize force a component resize
ready the component is ready. No event detail is provided
frameupdate the internal canvas has been updated, a new video frame is available. Event details provided are:
- event.framedata image data for the video frame