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This is a greatly expanded fork of the original PopExtensions that aims to recreate many of the features in sigsegv/rafradek's server plugins.

The roadmap for what needs to be added to this script can be found here. We encourage anyone and everyone to submit pull requests to recreate the missing features in VScript.

How to install: put scripts directory inside tf directory, merge if necessary

scripts/population/mvm_bigrock_vscript.pop is a demonstrative popfile that makes use of all available hooks

A documentation for various structures of the library is slowly being worked on. Check it out!

How To Use:

The stucture of the library is as follows:

  • PopExt: This is the original popextensions library, all functions from the original popextensions library must be prefixed with PopExt now

  • PopExtHooks: This is the original hooks.nut file for popextensions. These functions generally don't need to be touched by the end user

  • PopExtUtil: A wide variety of utility functions. All functions are listed in util.nut and prefixed with PopExtUtil. Some functions previously included in popextensions.nut have been moved here

  • MissionAttributes: Dozens of one-line key-values that mimic many of the features of rafmod/sigmod. All keyvalues are documented in missionattributes.nut

  • SpawnTemplates: drop-in replacement for rafmod's PointTemplate spawning system, a python script has been supplied to convert your old missions to this new format.

  • Tags: Every bot tag and what it does is documented in the tags.nut file. These functions generally don't need to be touched by the end user

  • CustomAttributes: this works in combination with MissionAttributes and Tags to allow creating completely custom player and item attributes that can be applied to both players and bots.

  • Entity Additions: This is a file that is run directly on an entity in the vscripts keyvalue. It is not used like other scripts in this library!

  • Main: This is the main cleanup and include file. These functions generally don't need to be touched by the end user.

Backwards compatibility with popextensions

All functions from the original popextensions library have been prefixed with PopExt. This means that this code

SetWaveIconsFunction(function() {
  // Use custom icon for a tank, first remove the regular tank icon
  // Add our custom tank icon
  SetWaveIconSpawnCount(`tank_red`, MVM_CLASS_FLAG_MINIBOSS | MVM_CLASS_FLAG_NORMAL, 1)

Must be rewritten like this:

PopExt.SetWaveIconsFunction(function() {
  // Use custom icon for a tank, first remove the regular tank icon
  PopExt.SetWaveIconSpawnCount(`tank`, MVM_CLASS_FLAG_MINIBOSS | MVM_CLASS_FLAG_NORMAL, 0)
  // Add our custom tank icon
  PopExt.SetWaveIconSpawnCount(`tank_red`, MVM_CLASS_FLAG_MINIBOSS | MVM_CLASS_FLAG_NORMAL, 1)

The following functions have been moved to a separate utility file and are prefixed with PopExtUtil. instead:

  • SetParentLocalOrigin
  • SetParentLocalOriginDo
  • SetupTriggerBounds
  • PrintTable
  • DoPrintTable
  • CreatePlayerWearable

Example: CreatePlayerWearable(bot, `models/props_farm/wooden_barrel.mdl`, false, `head`)

is now

PopExtUtil.CreatePlayerWearable(bot, `models/props_farm/wooden_barrel.mdl`, false, `head`)

Global fixes and balance changes

  • The holiday punch can tickle robots once more, with working animations!
  • Your Eternal Reward disguises are no longer delayed.
  • Improved money collection for scout (collects instantly), money spawns with zero velocity.
  • Fixed HoldFireUntilReload on every weapon
  • Dragons Fury cannot be reflected.
  • All of these can be optionally disabled with a MissionAttributes keyvalue


The example below makes bots with tag abc green, spawns a barrel prop on bot's head and gives them a frying pan (thanks to this script to download from here

        // Add or replace existing InitWaveOutput with code below
            Target gamerules // gamerules or tf_gamerules, depending on the map
            Action RunScriptCode
            Param "
                // The original InitWaveOutput trigger, change if necessary
                EntFire(`wave_init_relay`, `Trigger`)

                // Load popextensions script

                // If you are hitting the 4096 character limit inside this script, it would be required to put hooks into separate file
                // IncludeScript(`mypophooks`)
                // Add event hooks for bots with specifed Tag.
                PopExt.AddRobotTag(`abc`, {
                    // Called when the robot is spawned
                    OnSpawn = function(bot, tag) {
                        bot.KeyValueFromString(`rendercolor`, `0 255 0`)
                        // Create a barrel prop on bot's head
                        PopExtUtil.CreatePlayerWearable(bot, `models/props_farm/wooden_barrel.mdl`, false, `head`)
                    // Called when the robot is killed
                    // Params as in player_death event in
                    // Params may be null if the bot was forcefully changed to spectator team
                    OnDeath = function(bot, params) {
                        // Restore colors back to normal as necessary
                        bot.KeyValueFromString(`rendercolor`, `255 255 255`)

Example below makes all tanks that begin with name abc red and spawn with a prop and trigger_ignite on top. The tanks also use a custom icon:

            Target gamerules // gamerules or tf_gamerules, depending on the map
            Action RunScriptCode
            Param "
                // The original InitWaveOutput trigger, change if necessary
                EntFire(`wave_init_relay`, `Trigger`)

                // Load popextensions script

                // Set custom wave icons inside this function
                PopExt.SetWaveIconsFunction(function() {
                    // Use custom icon for a tank, first remove the regular tank icon
                    PopExt.SetWaveIconSpawnCount(`tank`, MVM_CLASS_FLAG_MINIBOSS | MVM_CLASS_FLAG_NORMAL, 0)
                    // Add our custom tank icon
                    PopExt.SetWaveIconSpawnCount(`tank_red`, MVM_CLASS_FLAG_MINIBOSS | MVM_CLASS_FLAG_NORMAL, 1)

                // Add event hooks for tanks with specified Name, also supports wildcard suffix
                PopExt.AddTankName(`abc*`, {
                    // Called when the tank is spawned
                    OnSpawn = function(tank, name) {
                        // Create a prop on top of the tank
                        local prop = SpawnEntityFromTable(`prop_dynamic`, {model = `models/props_badlands/barrel01.mdl`, origin = `0 0 200`})

                        // Create an ignite trigger
                        local trigger = SpawnEntityFromTable(`trigger_ignite`, {origin = `0 0 100`, spawnflags = `1`})
                        PopExtUtil.SetupTriggerBounds(trigger, Vector(-200,-200,-200), Vector(200,200,200))
                        PopExtUtil.SetParentLocalOrigin([prop, trigger], tank)

                        ClientPrint(null, 2, `OnSpawnTank`)
                        tank.KeyValueFromString(`rendercolor`, `255 0 0`)
                    // Called when the tank is destroyed
                    // Params as in,npc_hurt,-Name%3A
                    OnDeath = function(tank, params) {
                        // Decrement custom tank icon when killed
                        PopExt.DecrementWaveIconSpawnCount(`tank_red`, MVM_CLASS_FLAG_MINIBOSS | MVM_CLASS_FLAG_NORMAL, 1)


MissionAttributes is the equivalent of rafmod's custom WaveSchedule key-values. This is an extremely powerful and feature-rich part of the library that includes a large portion of the functionality from rafmod.

MissionAttributes are collected in a table on wave init. The function for doing so is MissionAttrs({})

        // Add or replace existing InitWaveOutput with code below
            Target gamerules // gamerules or tf_gamerules, depending on the map
            Action RunScriptCode
            Param "

                // The original InitWaveOutput trigger, change if necessary
                EntFire(`wave_init_relay`, `Trigger`)

                // Load popextensions script


                    `NoReanimators`: 1
                    `666Wavebar`: 1
                    `ForceHoliday`: 8
                    `NoRome`: 2
                    `WaveStartCountdown`: 5
                    `PlayersAreRobots`: 2|4|8|16
                    `SpellRateCommon`: 0.5
                    `StandableHeads`: 1
                    `PlayerAttributes`: {
                        [TF_CLASS_SCOUT] = {
                            `damage bonus` : 5,
                            `fire rate penalty` : 2,
                            `max health additive bonus` : 100,
                        [TF_CLASS_SOLDIER] = {
                            `damage penalty` : 0.5,
                            `fire rate bonus` : 0.5,
                        [TF_CLASS_DEMOMAN] = {
                            `fire rate bonus` : 0.5,

Every available MissionAttribute is documented in missionattributes.nut.


A powerful entity spawning script that leverages the new point_script_template entity.

Inside the python folder you will find a script to convert rafmod's PointTemplates spawner to a vscript equivalent. Download the latest version of python if you don't have it, run the script, select your popfile, and a script file containing all the templates will be output to a new VScript alternative. Note that you will need to manually spawn these entities again using the SpawnTemplate("TemplateName") function, use the popext_spawntemplate|TemplateName tag for bots, or use the SpawnTemplate = "TemplateName" property for tanks.

Writing new PointTemplates

The PointTemplate spawner is structured like so:

::PointTemplates <- {
        TemplateName <- {
                NoFixup = 1, //Name fix-up behaves somewhat similarly to point_template name fix-up, appending a unique number to the end of the targetname to separate identical templates.  Set NoFixup 1 to disable this behavior
                [0] = { //first entity to spawn in the template
                        item_teamflag = { //entity classnames here
                                targetname = "example_flag"
                                origin = "0 0 0"
                                angles = "0 0 0"
                                //other item_teamflag key/values go in here
                [1] = { //second entity to spawn in the template
                        prop_dynamic = {
                                targetname = "example_barrel"
                                parentname = "example_flag" //parent a barrel prop to the flag
                                model = `models/props_badlands/barrel01.mdl`

A more advanced example of the point template spawner using Condemned - Trespasser as a base can be found in the python/pt-converter folder.

Bot Tags

There is a massive selection of bot tags to choose from that replicate many rafmod features, or add new ones entirely. All tags are prefixed with popext_ and can be found in tags.nut

Many tags accept additional arguments. For example:

  • popext_rocketcustomtrail|eyeboss_projectile will apply the eyeboss_projectile particle to a rocket, giving rockets a purple monoculus trail.
  • popext_homingprojectile|0.5|0.5 will make a bots rockets (and many other projectiles) follow their closest target with half speed and half turn power.
  • popext_reprogrammed will spawn the bot on RED
  • popext_spawnhere|-779 3302 312 will spawn a bot at these xyz coordinates (near the barn door at the front of bigrock)

Custom Attributes

This allows mission makers to apply fully custom weapon attributes to both bots and players. All custom attributes can be found in the Attrs table at the top of customattributes.nut

For players:

  • Simply add the attribute and the value to an ItemAttributes table like any other attribute. An example of ItemAttributes with some custom attributes is provided in the example popfile.
  • IMPORTANT NOTE FOR PLAYER ATTRIBUTES: Due to limitations with the custom attribute system, attributes applied in the PlayerAttributes table will simply be applied to the players current active weapon on spawn (their primary weapon). This will be fixed in a later version

For bots:

  • use the popext_customattr bot tag, with two additional arguments for the attribute and value
  • example: popext_customattr|wet immunity|1, bot will be immune to jar effects. Currently, this will only apply to the bots primary active weapon.

Tank Additions

Pop Extensions Plus expands upon the tank additions added in the original Pop Extensions. When you call PopExt.AddTankName, the second argument is a table where you set the values for the available properties below. Please see the bigrock pop and popext bigrock pop for usage.

Available Properties:

* Model or TankModel    // use custom tank model, can be either a string or a table of strings
  * Default
  * Damage1
  * Damage2
  * Damage3
  * Bomb
  * TrackL or LeftTrack
  * TrackR or RightTrack
* ModelVisionOnly or TankModelVisionOnly // true: keeps original tank bounding box, false (default): changes bounding box to match the custom model
* SoundOverrides
  * Ping
  * EngineLoop
  * Start
  * Destroy
  * Deploy
* Team                  // 2: Red team, 3: Blu team, also accepts strings "RED", "BLU", "GRY"
* NoScreenShake         // does not currently work
* IsBlimp               // true: sets the tank to be a blimp
* SpawnTemplate         // expects a string that is the name of the template in PointTemplates table. see SpawnTemplates section
* DisableTracks
* DisableBomb
* DisableSmoke
* Scale                 // number or string
* Icon                  // expects a table. e.g. { name = `tank_sticky_hellmet`, isCrit = true, isBoss = false }
* CritImmune
* CrushDamageMult
* NoDeathFX             // 1: disables visuals only, 2: disables visuals and sounds

Entity Additions

This library supports custom entity features and spawnflags to enable certain behaviors. You can add these in the PointTemplate spawner, or in Hammer with SmartEdit disabled. Simply add popextensions/ent_additions to the vscripts keyvalue of the entity


  • No longer freezes and prints the Bad SetLocalAngles console error when one of the rotation angles exceeds 360,000 degrees.
  • Fixes killing the entity before stopping the rotate sound causing the sound to play forever. Fixes the sound continuing to play after it is killed on round restart as well.


  • Fired projectiles can have their team assigned with TeamNum keyvalue (2 for RED and 3 for BLU). Normally, all fired projectiles always belong to BLU team
  • Fixed FireSound not working. WARNING: sounds can stack for every projectile fired, not recommended for fast-refiring or multiple weapon mimics firing at the same time
  • FireSound now takes an optional volume parameter. Example: FireSound = "weapons/stickybomblauncher_shoot_crit.wav|0.5"
  • ModelScale now works on rockets, arrows untested.


  • 64: Spawn as Mini-Sentry


  • 16: Start Disabled

func_button, func_rot_button, momentary_rot_button

  • 2048: Start Locked (now works as intended for all buttons)
  • 16384: Not Solid

Reverse MvM

  • Native Reverse MvM support (WIP)


This library has a handful of features that rely on convars that are not included by default in cfg/vscript_convar_allowlist.txt. You will need to modify this cfg file to add the following convars:



Setting ConVars

this library includes the function function MissionAttributes::SetConvar. This will reset the value of any changed ConVars after the wave/mission that uses the changed cvar is unloaded. Do not use ConVars.SetValue directly

        // Add or replace existing InitWaveOutput with code below
            Target gamerules // gamerules or tf_gamerules, depending on the map
            Action RunScriptCode
            Param "

                // The original InitWaveOutput trigger, change if necessary
                EntFire(`wave_init_relay`, `Trigger`)

                // Load popextensions script

                //disable Jungle Inferno airblast behavior
                MissionAttributes.SetConvar(`tf_airblast_cray`, 0)


VScript extensions for use inside population files







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  • Squirrel 83.1%
  • Valve Data Format 14.9%
  • Python 2.0%