This is the Ruby on Rails backend for the demo app of a full-stack kanban board from
This project is used in the blog post "Creating a full-stack kanban board: the Ruby on Rails API backend"
Ruby 2.7.2
- Ruby
- Rails
- PostgreSQL
Created rails API project with PostgreSQL database. Skipped minitest (T), actioncable (C), actionmailer (M) and activestorage
rails new woetflow-demo-kanban-board-api -T -C -M --skip-active-storage -d=postgresql --api
Created database user 'name' with password
sudo -u postgres createuser -s name -P
Added database user password as an environment variable
echo 'export WOETFLOW_DEMO_KANBAN_BOARD_DATABASE_PASSWORD="PostgreSQL_Role_Password"' >> ~/.bashrc
Export the variable for current session
source ~/.bashrc
Add user configuration to database.yml
default: &default
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
# For details on connection pooling, see Rails configuration guide
pool: <%= ENV.fetch("RAILS_MAX_THREADS") { 5 } %>
username: name
<<: *default
database: woetflow_demo_kanban_board_api_development
Create databases from database.yml
rails db:create
Restart database server
sudo service postgresql restart
Manually deploy application on Heroku
git push heroku main