Project to support creating new components for Enablers 2-6 to extend supported modalities, e.g., preprocessing for BM modality.
$ pip install --user cookiecutter
ref: cookiecutter installation page
To run:
$ cookiecutter [email protected]:XR2Learn/Personalization-Components-Template.git
Then answer the questions related to the new component that is being created.
This project will create a directory with the new component name in the current directory.
- "project_name": Name of the Component, following the format: "SSL Features Extraction BM Modality",
- "description": Description of the component,
- "project_slug": e.g., "ssl_features_extraction_bm_modality",
- "component_folder": e.g., "SSL_Features_Extraction_BM_Modality",
- "parent_component": Parent Component Name e.g., "Pre_precessing",
- "main_python_file": Python entry-point script name without .py format, e.g.,
- "service_name": e.g., "ssl-features-generation-bm",
- "current_version": Repository current version in the format: "0.1.0"
- Fully running component skeleton
- Component ENVVARS read from .env file
- Unit tests setup
- Documentation