Optimized bayesian nonlocal-means algorithm for denoising ultrasound image
- BayesianNLM.m : the OBNLM algorithm
- getPearsonDistance.m: compute the pearson distance based bayesian framework
- ImgNormalize.m: pre-processing the image (histogram stretching)
- testBayesianNLM.m: test our algorithm using the input (noisyImage.png) and get the output (despeckledImage.png)
Coupé, Pierrick, et al. "Nonlocal means-based speckle filtering for ultrasound images." IEEE transactions on image processing 18.10 (2009): 2221-2229.
The blockwise Nonlocal Means algorithm is completed. The basic principle is shown below:
: the blockwise of image:the pearson distance between blockwise
The original ultrasound image (with speckle) vs the despeckled ultrasound image: