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This is a list of all the commands available in Puppeteer, along with detailed descriptions of what they do. The default prefix for commands is !rp, so to use a command cmd, one would type rp!cmd. For the sake of brevity, and due to the fact that this prefix can be changed, prefixes are omitted on this page.



Usage: find <query>

Get a list of puppets whose description or name match the given query.

Aliases: search


Usage: info <puppet>

Show detailed info about the puppet specified.


Usage: list [user] [-Gg] [group(s)]

Get a list of all of the puppets the specified user (default: you) has. If the -g flag is enabled, shows only puppets in the specified group(s). If the -G flag is enabled, shows all puppets except those in the specified group(s).

Aliases: ls


Usage: new <username> [shortID] <trigger>

Create a new puppet with the specified username and trigger pattern. If a shortID is specified, assign it to the new puppet.

Aliases: create, register, init


Usage: remove <puppet(s)|*>

Deletes the specified puppet(s). remove * deletes all puppets after confirmation.

Aliases: delete, del, rm


msgrm (Later version)

Usage: msgrm [-f] [messageID(s)|range(s)]

Deletes specified puppet message(s) (default: last sent). If the user is a moderator, asks for confirmation on every message sent by others before deleting, unless the -f flag is enabled.

Aliases: msgdel, delmsg

toggle (Later version)

Usage: toggle [-a] [puppet]

If a puppet is specified, proxies all of the user's messages using the specified puppet's profile in the current channel, or all channels if the -a flag is enabled. If no puppet is specified, resets behavior so that only messages with triggers will be proxied.

whois (Later version)

Usage: whois [messageID]

Identify who posted the specified puppet message. (default: last posted)



Usage: desc <puppet> [description]

View or change a puppet's description.

Aliases: describe


Usage: id <puppet> [shortID]

View or change a puppet's shortID.


Usage: name <puppet> <newName>

Change a puppet's name.


Usage: pic <puppet> [image/url]

View or change a puppet's avatar. NOTE: You can also upload an image with the command pic <puppet> as a caption.


Usage: trig <puppet> [newTrigger]

View or change a puppet's trigger pattern.

Aliases: trigger


groupadd (Later version)

Usage: groupadd <puppet(s)>,<group>

Add puppet(s) to the specified group.

grouprm (Later version)

Usage: grouprm <puppet(s)|*>,<group|*>

Remove puppet(s) from the specified group. grouprm * group empties a group. grouprm puppet(s) * removes puppet(s) from all groups. grouprm * * empties all groups. All 3 cases prompt for confirmation.

newgroup (Later version)

Usage: newgroup <groupName(s)>

Create new group(s) with the specified name(s).

Aliases: mkgroup, mkdir

rmgroup (Later version)

Usage: rmgroup <groupName(s)|*>

Delete group(s) with the specified name(s). Asterisk rmgroup * deletes all groups after confirmation.

Aliases: delgroup, rmdir


allow (Later version)

Usage: allow [-t <time>] <user(s)>

On whitelist servers, grant the specified user(s) permission to use puppets, optionally for only a set amount of time.

Time is formatted using single-letter time units, using y for years, w for weeks, d for days, h for hours, and m for minutes. Examples: 1 day = 1d or 24h, 2weeks = 2w or 14d, 36 hours = 36h or 1d12h.

block (Later version)

Usage: block [-t <time>] <user>

Prevent specific user(s) from using puppets, optionally for a certain amount of time.

disallow (Later version)

Usage: disallow <user(s)>

On whitelist servers, remove specified user(s) from whitelist.

log (Later version)

Usage: log [-n|channelID]

Assign the specified channel (default: current channel) as the log dump. If flag -n is enabled, disables server log output.

unblock (Later version)

Usage: unblock <user(s)>

Removes specified user(s) from the blacklist.

roomtype (Later version)

Usage: roomtype [-cCinox] [channelID(s)]

Change the room type of specific channel(s). If no flags are specified, displays the room type of the specified channel. (default: current channel)

-c Listen to commands in this channel.
-C Ignore non-moderator commands in this channel.
-i Allow only in-character posts. Commands excluded.
-n Allow both in-character and out-of-character posts.
-o Do not parse any puppet triggers.
-x Delete posts with puppet triggers.

c/C and i/n/o/x flags are mutually exclusive.

Examples: roomtype -Ci prevents commands and only allows in-character posts. roomtype -c allows commands. roomtype -x disallows messages with triggers.