Users will be able to...
- Create, list, modify, and delete puppets and groups of puppets.
- Hide puppets from servers/have them shown only on whitelisted servers.
- Search for puppets by name and description.
- Assign optional profile pictures and descriptions to puppets.
- Change/assign the following puppet attributes: Name, profile picture, description.
- Post messages as puppets via webhooks, as well as delete one's own puppet messages.
- Identify the OP of puppet messages.
- Post as multiple puppets in one message by using multiple triggers.
- 'Toggle' between characters to continuously post in-character without having to retype triggers.
Moderators will be able to...
- Change Puppeteer's command prefix.
- Delete others' puppet messages.
- Restrict puppet usage on a per-room/per-user basis.
- Ban users from using puppets permanently, or for a set amount of time.
- Ban certain puppets from posting in certain rooms.
- Set rooms as IC-only/OOC-only, and enable/disable commands in specific channels.
- Have Puppeteer output a log to a channel.
- Set whether or not puppets must be approved before being used.
To create a puppet, use rp!new <name> [shortID] <trigger>
. If your puppet's name contains spaces, enclose it with double quotes. Shorthand IDs can be used instead of a puppet's full name in commands. They are optional, but recommened for puppets with difficult-to-type names (such as those with foreign characters). Finally, specify your trigger at the end.
A trigger is a pattern that lets Puppeteer know which messages are in-character. Each puppet must have a unique trigger. Once Puppeteer detects a message with a trigger, it will delete the original message and proxy it using the profile of the puppet the trigger belongs to.
Triggers are in the format [prefix]text[suffix]
, that is, all triggers must have the string text
somewhere, which will be substituted with the actual message text. Here are some examples of triggers in action:
Trigger | "Hello, World!" message |
>text |
>Hello, World! |
{text} |
{Hello, World!} |
char1:text |
char1:Hello, World! |
If you ever want to change a puppet's trigger, simply use rp!trig <puppet> <newtrigger>
TODO: Add rest of documentation