http request util
npm i klg-request --save
参考 src/Request.test
const request = new Request({
minTimeout: 1000, // 最小重试间隔 ms
timeOut: 6000, // 超时 ms
retryWhen50x: true, // 状态码为 50x 时 重试
retryWhenTimeout: false, // 超时重试,默认 false
retryWhenConnectError: true // 无法连接是重试
await, {body: {}, options: {headers: {}}})
await request.get(url, {query {}, options: {headers: {}}})
$ npm i
$ npm test
1.0.0 add postJson functionality, add putJson functionality
- rename postJson to post
- rename putJson to put
- add get functionality, http get
- add retries option, The maximum amount of times to retry the operation. Default is 5. Seting this to 1 means do it once,
- add factor option, The exponential factor to use. Default is 2.
- add minTimeout option, The number of milliseconds before starting the first retry. Default is 1000.
- change retryWhen500 option to retryWhen50x, support all 50* http status
2.1.0 fix get functionality,support query parameter
2.2.0 fix get functionality,support options parameter