Bug Fixes
models: channelconfig: remove prefix
item from .validKeys (7870590 )
package.json & .snyk to reduce vulnerabilities (59ccd5e )
bot: fix disconnect error log, now using event.code (61e8e48 )
dependencies: add discord.js back (ec00054 )
dependencies: remove express-handlebars (ef45337 )
dependencies: update dependencies (308e38a )
dependencies: update dependencies (d79db1e )
dependencies: update dependencies (c3ca9b9 )
dependencies: update djs to master (v12.0.0 dev) (65d8549 )
dependencies: update djs to v11.1.0 (from repo) (35bd8e8 )
discord: st prefix to (2638b7e )
discord: commands: actually fix stats' embed footer icon_url (was iconURL) (6c39ac1 )
discord: commands: fix color on updating embed (036978d )
discord: commands: fix conf command interpreting '-' as --global (ed51c20 ), closes #3
discord: commands: fix pulling update on update
command (034b8a5 )
discord: commands: fix stats' embed iconURL, and change to use footer (c7b6d27 )
discord: modules: fix casual help module requiring prefix + "yappy" + "gitlab", only prefix now (a2cbc6c )
eslint: fix unecessary module required (0795998 )
gitlab: events: fix embed colors by transiforming to 0x###### (f3c8237 )
help: add quotes to usage in help for command (dad6137 )
models: channelconfig: add pipeline
to default disabledEvents in channelConfigSchema (fc21636 )
models: serverconfig: fix ServerConfig#add setting Collection with .channelId prop of guild (ac330b1 ), closes #6
mongoose: add error handling (logging) (0ac5f12 )
commands: add issue comamnd to search and get issue info (82fe8ab )
conf: add ServerConf for prefix configuration (2d6f20e )
dependencies: add express-handlebars & run snyk wizard (5172c13 )
dependencies: add hbs (7dd535a )
discord: commands: add invite
command (6307b74 )
discord: commands: add merge request command (df60c39 )
discord: commands: add update command (d34ab21 ), closes #5
discord: commands: if issue description contains image, add and send with embed (17ca650 )
discord: commands: if merge request description contains image, add and send with embed (edc437e )
discord: commands: send msg to channel when invite is sent to user in invite commmand (c0466d5 )
gitlab: events: add note/issue - fired when someone comments on issue (13fcf70 )
gitlab: events: add note/mergerequest - fired when someone comments on merge request (214389e )
gitlab: events: add note/snippet - fired when someone comments on snippet (692178b )
gitlab: events: add wiki_page/create - fired when wiki page is created (de4dd33 )
gitlab: events: add wiki_page/delete - fired when wiki page is deleted (37908f7 )
gitlab: events: add wiki_page/update - fired when wiki page is updated (34870e8 )
middleware: add UnhandledError middleware to handle unhandled errors (abca414 )
modules: add modules for message middlware (46f2407 )
modules: create module CasualHelp for detecting need of help with ApiAI and responding (5211eaa )
web: add nice-looking landing page with bot stats (8534bab )
web: add online status color circle, move screenshot img to right (577af2c )
Performance Improvements
bot: add message sweeping & cache options to decrease mem usage (93d1900 )
command: remove async
from init command (6dcd12c )
gitlab: emitting: only generate event embed & text once per webhook (4ce70dd )
gitlab: events: update issue/* & note/commit - remove string creation on embed descriptions (360d7b8 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.