Source for the website for Dartmouth CS52. Updated periodically. Now includes slides and notes. Contribute at your leisure.
NOTE: assignments tend to change without notice, so if you are taking the class please refer to canvas / the published site at
Built with: Jekyll, GitHub Pages, and Remarkjs
gem install bundle
bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve
bundle exec jekyll liveserve
for live reloading
uses remarkjs for building slides - if you use the
<div class="slide" markdown="0">
<font size="4">Title</font>
<font size="4">Agenda</font>
<li>Introduction this is an intro</li>
By default the slide content will also be shown in converted markdown on the page. If you prefer to have slide only content add a `hidden` class.
### Search Powered by Algolia
Create an `_algolia_api_key` file and copy the key from the [dashboard](
Run: `bundle exec jekyll algolia` to update the index (when new content is added)
### Comments Powered by [](
See [github issues]( to moderate. All comments are stored in github as comments on issues. Issues are named by the page titles - so make sure they are unique.