To execute spatial displacment calculation with laser tracks
$ ./FieldCal -D -d [number of track subsets] -N [number of iteration steps] -t -A [filename1] [filename2]...
// "-D": one must have it to run the spatial displacement calculation
// with "-C": correction map (reco -> true)
// without "-C": distortion map (true -> reco)
// "-t": by default use two side iteration
// "-A": by default use boundary condition
$ ./FieldCal -E -T -M [number of toy throw] [filename]
// "-E": one must have it to run the E-field calculation
// "-T": enable toy throw to access the error of E-field calculation
// "-M": number of toy throw (number of generated displacement map)
// Input TH3(s) from the root file are expected to be called "Reco_Displacement_X", "Reco_Displacement_Y", "Reco_Displacement_Z"
One may improve the way of command line execution experience for the users of the code.
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