Releases: YorickBM/TwerkingCrops
Version Release 11.0
Here it is, another update! This update contains 1.18 support and later Minecraft versions. Also a few starting tweak to the custom timer, currently it may cause thread creation spam. Please be advised to not use it until 11.1.
- 1.18 support added
- Support for Minecraft versions later released.
- Custom Timer for each biome and individual crop configurable
- Complete revamp of Custom Timer function.
- Custom Timer may create too many threads on chunk loading. Causing mayor lagg for a period of time.
Version Release 10.0
Here it is, another update! This update contains a few additions, feature requests, and the release of a wiki on our Github page. Read all about it below.
- Materials class has received a few updates
- BoneMealer class has been optimized
- Player events have been optimized with the BoneMealer class
- Blacklist function for worlds and crops
- /blacklist command to modify blacklists in-game
- Several new crops & trees have been added (Find them on our wiki)
- All Crops & Trees & Blocks affected by the plugin have been listed.
- Use the names found on the wiki for your blacklists.
- All permissions & commands can be found on the wiki
- Small documentation on the type of files have been written on the wiki
- All the variables %xxx% have been listed on the wiki with a description
Developer Release 10.0 A5
This is a developer release, no code has been submitted to GitHub for this. Other than that it does not differ any from the regular 10.0 release. Please ONLY use this version when experiencing the following issue: Otherwise please download the 10.0 version!!
Note: You will not get support for ANY developer version.
Version Release 9.3
It's time for yet another update! This update contains some technical fixes & feature changes to for example the Randomizer, read all about it below!
- Language file is set to UTF-8 charset again
- Randomizer code has been improved & shortened
- Command autofill has been modified to accommodate changes
- bStats custom graphs have been updated
- Version control now checks every day, instead of only when you start your server.
- set command has been improved & redesigned
- Custom Timer optimizations
- Randomizer has now the option to set it in percentages (no 20% hard coded anymore)
- New permission so not all users are affected by the randomizer (Twerk.noRandomizer)
- Set command now able to set block radius & randomizer percentage in-game
- Dutch translation has been added
Multi Language Support + Small bug fixes
Hey Everyone,
It has been some time since the last update. I have checked for 1.16.5 if I could add the fungus trees but their generation is still not how I want it to be sadly.
But other than that I have fixed some minor issues, one being that trees would always instantly grow when triggered. They now have a 1 in 8 chance of growing, this way it acts more like the bonemeal from Minecraft itself.
Also some more code has been cleaned up.
Next, I have also implemented a few more features, one being multi-language support. Now there is a separate 'lang' folder containing all the messages and you can change the one it uses in-game with /set or in the config manually. The language will automatically update when changing it with the /set command. When changed in the config you'll need to restart the server. By doing this I hope that even when there is an update your messages won't be changed by accident.
At last, I have also made some changes to bStats. This includes some custom charts on their website. Now the plugin also contains a checker to see if you are running the newest version, this way you won't need to check spigot to see if there is an update.
I want to thank all of you that have been using Twerking-Crops I did not expect to get over 1K downloads just on one version. Also by seeing how many servers actively are using the plugin because of bStats made my day, and still does!! If you have bStats turned off, I would suggest you turn it on. It shows me some statistics, about what kind of functions you guys use mostly, what kind of Minecraft versions/server software is used which in the end helps me in developing this plugin and motives me to see such high numbers!
bStats URL:
Github URL:
Spigot URL: