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This is a specification for recognizing contributors to an open source project in a way that rewards each and every contribution, not just code.
The basic idea is this:
Use the project README (or another prominent public documentation page in the project) to recognize the contributions of members of the project community.
People are giving themselves and their free time to contribute to open source projects in so many ways, so we believe everyone should be praised for their contributions (code or not).
Below is an example of how using the all-contributors spec table can recognize all contributors
You can use the @all-contributors bot 🤖 to automate acknowledging contributors to your open source projects
The specification is detailed on
The Emoji Key ✨ (and Contribution Types) can be found on
If you've ever wanted to contribute to open source, and a great cause, now is your chance!
See the contributing docs for more information
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!