Watch here our official low budget action trailer :) →
We can't fix your bugs, but we can automate most headache-giving tasks across all of your NodeJS/Deno/Bun projects and give you a set of tools to make JS development great again.
DenoJS, BunJS, and even Golang and Rust are also (partially) supported (see Cross-runtime support for more info.).
FuckingNode is a CLI tool (not a CLI-ish npm package) that automates and simplifies cleaning, linting, and prettifying JS or TS projects, releasing npm / jsr packages, destroying generated artifacts & caches, and also gives you additional tools for better Git committing, project cloning, and more.
It's not magic, it's FuckingNode—and that name is shipping to production.
fuckingnode manager add < path > # add a project to your project list
fuckingnode clean # autoclean all of your projects
fuckingnode release < project > # release a project
fuckingnode kickstart < git-url > # clones a repo, installs deps, and launches your fav editor instantly
Copy and paste the following code in a terminal session.
powershell -c "irm | iex"
Copy and paste the following code in a terminal session.
curl -fsSL | bash
Add the repo to your flake.nix
inputs = {
fuckingnode.url = "github:ZakaHaceCosas/FuckingNode";
Then, add this to your system packages:
- Install Deno 2.
- Open this project from the root.
You can now either:
- Run
deno task compile
and get the output executable fromdist/
. - Run
deno -A src/main.ts [...commands]
from the root.
We auto-check for updates once every few days to tell you about new versions, and have an upgrade
command so you can manually check for them. To update the CLI, simply re-run your platform's install script - all your data will stay in place.
Refer to our user manual to learn everything about how to use FuckingNode.
We hope those motherf*ckers don't annoy you again. If you find any issue with the CLI, open an issue, or make a PR (which would be awesome 😄).