Laraddress is a federated address book.
- Run your own address book server, own your data
- Friends can login and update their address book info
- Share your contact details in return
- Contact details include:
- Name and Birthday
- Addresses
- Email Accounts
- Website and Blogs
- Social Media Accounts
If your friend also runs an address book server, have their contact information automatically imported and kept up-to-date.
You can add tags to contacts as a way of grouping them by relationship, by interests, or whatever tags you wish to create and use. Only you can see your tags. You will use them when filtering and sorting your contact list.
When your contacts share their information with you, they also get to see your contact information. You may not want every contact knowing all of your contact information. Therefor, it is neccessary that you can set the privacy for each piece of contact information to be viewed by anyone, only other contacts, or only to specific groups of contacts. (those groups will be defined by tags)
- Show a google map of where all of your friends live.
- See a list of upcoming birthdays.
- Most entries should have an optional "primary" flag (listed first).
- View a news feed of your friend's social media postings.
- Merge accounts, in case you accidently create 2
- Clone it to a server that supports Laravel.
- Setup your .env including ADMIN_NAME and ADMIN_EMAIL values
- Run composer install
- Run the database migrations.
- Visit your site.