This program also has a python version developed by Youyou Tu
This is a program to perform non-adiabatic molecular dynamics (NAMD) simultion in momentum space, where the non-adiabatic coupling (NAC) are replaced by electron-phonon (e-ph) coupling (EPC).
The codes are based on Hefei-NAMD developed by Qijing Zheng, et al.
For theoretical details on the code, we refer the users to the manuscript accompying the source code:
Z. Zheng, Y. Shi, J. J. Zhou, O. V. Prezhdo, Q. Zheng, J. Zhao. "Ab initio real-time quantum dynamics of charge carriers in momentum space". Nat Comput Sci (2023)
For EPC calculation, we use the package Perturbo, please refer to:
J. J. Zhou, J. Park, I. T. Lu, I. Maliyov, X. Tong, M. Bernardi, “Perturbo: a software package for ab initio electron-phonon interactions, charge transport and ultrafast dynamics”. Comput. Phys. Commun. 264, 107970, (2021)
When using results from this program in your publications, please cite the paper given above and acknowledge the use of the code.
It would also be appropriate to cite the original articles:
Q. Zheng, W. A. Saidi, Y. Xie, Z. Lan, O. V. Prezhdo, H. Petek, J. Zhao. "Phonon-Assisted Ultrafast Charge Transfer at van der Waals Heterostructure Interface". Nano Lett 17, 6435-6442, (2017)
Q. Zheng, W. Chu, C. Zhao, L. Zhang, H. Guo, Y. Wang, X. Jiang, J. Zhao. "Ab initio nonadiabatic molecular dynamics investigations on the excited carriers in condensed matter systems". WIREs Comput. Mol. Sci. 9:e1411, (2019)
The user can get the source files of this program from Github
$ git clone
Then, go into folder of source files
$ cd src
To compile this program, you should specify the path to your HDF5 library. Open the "Makefile"
$ vim Makefile
Modify the two flags "IFLAGS" and "LFLAGS"
IFLAGS = -I/${path-to-your-hdf5-dir}/include
LFLAGS = -I/${path-to-your-hdf5-dir}/lib -lhdf5 -lhdf5_fortran
After modifying the "Makefile", compile the Hefei-NAMD-EPC
$ make clean
$ make
You will get an executable file "namd-epc" for simulations of NAMD in momentum space.
Befor carrying out NAMD simulations in momentum space, the user needs to
calculate e-ph matrix elements
Then, replace the source file "calc_ephmat.f90" in path of "pert-src/" with our modified file in the path of "patch" before compiling PERTURBO. It should be noted that this patch is modified by Prof. Jin-Jian Zhou and us together, and it will output files containing e-ph information (named "${prefix}_ephmat_p1.h5", "${prefix}_ephmat_p2.h5", "${prefix}_ephmat_p3.h5", ...) additionally when run "perturbo.x" with "calc_mode = 'ephmat'".
To run perturbo.x for doing e-ph coupling calculations in ultra-fine
The input file "" can be set as follows
prefix = 'graphene'
calc_mode = 'ephmat'
fklist = 'eph.kpt'
fqlist = 'eph.qpt'
band_min = 1
band_max = 2
phfreq_cutoff = 0.625 ! meV
output_yaml = .False.
We provide a python script "" to generate
$ python
If there are too many
$ for ip in *P
$ do
$ cd ${ip}
$ cp ../ .
$ ln -sf ../../qe2pert/prefix_epr.h5 .
$ cd ..
$ done
We provide a Sbatch script "sub_pert_part" for users to run perturbo
calculations for different parts of
To run Hefei-NAMD-EPC, the user should prepare 3 kinds of files: "${prefix}_ephmat_p${ipart}.h5" files containing e-ph information from perturbo calculations, "inp" file for input parameters setting, and "INICON" file for initial conditions setting.
First, copy or link "${prefix}_ephmat_p${ipart}.h5" files from perturbo calculations by perturbo.x, user can excute bash script "" to link these files into a folder.
Then generate "inp" file, below is an example
BMIN = 1 ! minimum band index
BMAX = 2 ! maximum band index
KMIN = 1 ! minimum $\mathbf{k}$-point index
KMAX = 40 ! maximum $\mathbf{k}$-point index
EMIN = -4.6 ! minimum energy, in unit of eV
EMAX = -1.5 ! maximum energy, in unit of eV
NBANDS = 2 ! number of bands
NKPOINTS = 81 ! number of $\mathbf{k}$-points
NINIBS = 1 ! number of initial states
Np = 81 ! number of unit cells corresponding to the $\mathbf{k}$-grid
NSW = 1200 ! number of time steps for the MD trajctory
POTIM = 1.0 ! time step for the MD trajctory, in unit of fs
TEMP = 300 ! MD temperature
NSAMPLE = 6 ! number of samples with different initial conditions
NAMDTIME = 1000 ! time of NAMD, in unit of fs
NELM = 1000 ! number of steps of electron wave propagation each POTIM
NTRAJ = 10000 ! number of surface hopping trajectories for each sample
LHOLE = .F. ! hole or electron surface hopping
LCPEXT = .F. ! whether to read TXT files or not (not available for epc version)
LEPC = .T. ! whether to use e-p matrix as NA couplings
LBASSEL = .F. ! whether to read BASSEL file. If not, will generate it.
! if ture, will ignore parameters: BMIN, BMAX, KMIN, KMAX, EMIN, EMAX.
LSORT = .T. ! whether ot sort states in order of energy
SIGMA = 0.025 ! energy broadening
EPCTYPE = 1 ! 1: calculate EPC from average phonon populations.
! 2: calculate EPC by norm mode decompositon form MD traj
NPARTS = 1 ! number of parts of ephmat information
EPMDIR = 'h5files/' ! directory of ephmat.h5 files
EPMPREF = 'graphene' ! prefix of ephmat.h5 files
The last file we need is "INICON" file, for example
11 4 2
23 10 1
47 17 2
51 21 2
85 34 2
93 38 2
Each line of "INICON" represents initial condition of each sample, the first
column indicates initial time, the second and third column indicate
Copy executable file "namd-epc" to your work diretory, then execute
$ mpirun -np 16 ./namd-epc # Here, 16 is the number of processes as an example
User can also use Sbatch script "sub_namd" to submit the computational job.
After Hefei-NAMD-EPC calculation, we obtain files as bellow:
"BASSEL" (Selected basises in NAMD simulation)
"EPELTXT", "EPPHTXT" (e-ph couplings)
"PHPROP.${imode}" (Evolution of phonon number for each mode)
"PSICT.${initime}" (Evolution of expanding coefficients for each sample)
"SHPROP.${initime}" (Evolution of population for each sample)
We provide python scripts to do the data processing, just copy the "" and "" from the folder "scripts" to your work diretory, and execute
$ python
You will obtain figures of results, including: COUPLE.png, COUPLE_EL.png, COUPLE_PH.png, TDEN.png, TDBAND.png, TDKPROP.png, TDPH.png, TDPHEN.png, TDPHNUM.png, TDQPROP.png et al.