A series of realism patches for stock Kerbal Space Program.
- Moves Bop and Gilly to Duna, to simulate Phobos and Deimos
- Moved Ike to Jool to simulate Callisto
- Moved Minmus to Saturn to simulate Enceladus(Or moved to Eeloo to simulate Charon if using the No OPM version)
- Moved Pol to be closer to Jool to simulate Io, and rearanged the Jool system to be more stable (moved Laythe and Tylo further away)
- Recolored Eve to be more Yellowish like Venus
- Recolored Jool to be more Jupiter-like
- Recolored Tekto (*if you have OPM installed) to look more like Titan
- Recolored Neidon to be more blue
- Altered the Mun so it is at a 6 degree inclination, to simulate Moon.
If you do not want any of these features, you can delete the corrisponding .cfg file.
Just drag and drop into the GameData folder.
In case you don't have/want OPM, download the No-OPM Version