This is my own special updater, made for sake of having it.
Just copy this class into your plugin, and then
Updater updater = new Updater(plugin, id, download, callbacks);
Here is what that means:
- plugin - The main class
- id - Your plugin ID
- download - Should we download and update straight away?
- Callbacks, if needed, completly optional
You can be more advanced with this, for example rechecking for updates in a command using updater.checkForUpdates(true)
, and updating in commands and listeners aswell using updater.update()
. Feel free to explore the methods.
For those who prefer Maven, use this snippet:
If this updater is correctly used, it is fully policy compliant. What you need to do to make sure your project gets approved is provide a way to turn the updater off, and state that you use this updater. In the constructor you can replace download with getConfig().getBoolean("PaTh", dEfAuLt)
Here is a quick summary of my license:
Good luck and happy updating!
Related bukkit post found here: