This is a library of quantum adder based on Qiskit platform provided by IBM, including basic quantum gates implementation, binary quantum full adders, quantum carry ripple adder, and quantum most-significant digit-first adders.
- Python 3.7 +
- pip install -U pip && pip install qiskit
- basic gates
- MAG_gate
- NG_gate
- Peres_gate
- Temperary_logical_AND
- Toffoli gate with T-depth being 4
- Toffoli_gate
- Sqrt_root_CNOT_Hermitian_gate
- binary quantum full adder
- carry-first BQFA
- sum-first BQFA
- BQFA proposed in Biswas
- BQFA proposed in Cuccaro
- BQFA proposed in Google
- BQFA proposed in Islam
- BQFA proposed in Mazumder
- BQFA proposed in Sohel
- quantum carry ripple adder
- CAR_in_Islam: CRA based on BQFA in Islam
- CRA_in_Biswas: CRA based on BQFA in Biswas
- CRA_in_Cuccaro_2cnotversion: CRA based on BQFA in Cuccaro
- CRA_in_Google: CRA based on BQFA in Google
- CRA_in_Mazumder: CRA based on BQFA in Mazumder
- CRA_in_Sohel: CRA based on NQFA in Sohel
- quantum most-significant digit-first adder
- QMDA_Carry_First: Qubit-efficient QMDA with carry-first QFAs
- MSDF_mixed: QMDA with qubit-efficient and low T-count optimisations by using temporary logical-AND, carry- and sum-first QFAs
- MSDF_Sum_google_mixed: QMDA with qubit-efficient and low T-count optimisations.
- MSDF_in_Biswas: QMDA based on the BQFA proposed in Biswas
- MSDF_in_Cuccaro: QMDA based on the BQFA proposed in Cuccaro
- MSDF_in_Google: QMDA with low-depth and low T-count optimisations by using temporary logical-AND based QFAs
- MSDF_in_Islam: QMDA based on the BQFA proposed in Islam
- MSDF_in_Mazumder: QMDA based on the BQFA proposed in Mazumder
- MSDF_in_Sohel: QMDA based on the BQFA proposed in Sohel