My terminal full setup as a developer on mobile
First, Install the required apps:
- Termux Monet or Termux
- Termux:API for termux or Termux:API for monet
- Termux:Styling for termux or Termux:Styling for monet
Termux-Styling isn't required, unless you want to edit the interface, i would prefer using the
Second, run this command:
pkg update && pkg upgrade && pkg install zsh git which fzf && sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
You will be asked if you want to install packages, just press enter.
Third, Run this command to install the config:
git clone --depth=1 ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k && git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions && git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting && git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-${ZSH:-~/.oh-my-zsh}/custom}/plugins/zsh-completions && pkg install neofetch neovim yazi glow && git clone ~/.config/nvim --depth 1 && git clone && cd dotfiles && cp -r .termux/* ~/.termux && cp -r .config/* ~/.config && cp -r ~/.config/nvim/custom ~/.config/nvim/lua/ && rm -rf ~/.config/nvim/custom && mv backgrounds ~/backgrounds && mv .zshrc ~/.zshrc && mv .p10k.zsh ~/.p10k.zsh && cd .. && rm -rf dotfiles && cd .. && cd usr && cd etc && echo "" > motd && cd ~ && pkg install termux-api nodejs eza jq golang && exit
First, Enter neovim:
Second, Install these TreeSitter addons:
:TSInstall go cpp java javascript gomod gosum typescript css vue json yaml makrdown pug styled python kotlin
Third, Install these lsps:
:MasonInstall emmet-ls prettierd golines goimports gopls fixjson stylua write-good shellcheck eslint-lsp
Fourth? i lost the count, do :q!
and copy this to your shell:
npm install -g typescript-language-server
Yazi is a file manager, an awesome one. i added stuff on it
- miller.yazi, adds a .csv preview make sure to run this command to use this:
pkg i miller
- glow.yazi, adds .md preview using glow, make sure to run
pkg i glow
- yamb.yazi, a persistent bookmarks plugin. Press
inside yazi to see how to use it - escape.yazi, (ok i know it's bypass.yazi not escape.yazi) just press
into a single dir directory and it'll bypass it so fast, to go back pressH
- ffmpegthumbnailer, a way to see videos thumbnails in your fm. i didn't want to download it because imgcat automatically does the job but you can just run
pkg i ffmpegthumbnailer
- poppler, pdf previewer implemented inside, run
pkg i poppler
to use it
I've edited catppuccin theme a bit so file colors are actually matching their icon color, the default one is horrible to be honest you should use mine if you love catppuccin mocha
- What's bin: bin is a tool to share code with buddies from your terminal directly, also share images, videos ( soon )
- How to use bin: YOU NEED TO HOST SE1F LOCALLY FIRST, run the command
se1f [file] | jq -r ".url" | xargs xdg-open
- How to host se1f: run a serveo server with the go file running on localhost, don't forget to edit
to contain your serveo api instead of the fallback one ( it won't work lol )
soon ( i wanna sleep )
Termux doesn't support discord rich presences. and it'll take much resources so i dropped it completely ( although i can do it )
You've installed the config.