utilities for working with multi-language keystatic
npm i @acdh-oeaw/keystatic-lib
provide the languages supported in your project via typescript module augmentation:
// ./types/keystatic.d.ts
declare module "@acdh-oeaw/keystatic-lib" {
export interface KeystaticConfig {
locales: "de" | "en";
// ./lib/keystatic/components.ts
import { createComponent } from "@acdh-oeaw/keystatic-lib";
import { wrapper } from "@keystatic/core/content-components";
export const Video = createComponent((paths, locale) => {
return wrapper({
label: "Video",
schema: {
/** ... */
// ./lib/keystatic/resources.ts
import {
} from "@acdh-oeaw/keystatic-lib";
import { collection, singleton } from "@keystatic/core";
import { Video } from "./lib/keystatic/components";
export const pages = createCollection("/pages/", (paths, locale) => {
return collection({
label: createLabel("Pages", locale),
path: paths.contentPath,
slugField: "title",
format: { contentField: "content" },
entryLayout: "content",
columns: ["title"],
schema: {
title: fields.slug({
name: {
label: "Title",
validation: { isRequired: true },
image: fields.image({
label: "Image",
validation: { isRequired: false },
content: fields.mdx({
label: "Content",
options: createContentFieldOptions(paths),
components: {
Video: Video(paths, locale),
export const metadata = createSingleton("/metadata/", (paths, locale) => {
return singleton({
label: createLabel("Metadata", locale),
path: paths.contentPath,
format: { data: "json" },
entryLayout: "form",
schema: {
/** ... */
// ./keystatic.config.ts
import { withI18nPrefix } from "@acdh-oeaw/keystatic-lib";
import { config } from "@keystatic/core";
import { metadata, pages } from "./lib/keystatic/resources";
export default config({
collections: {
[withI18nPrefix("pages", "de")]: pages("de"),
[withI18nPrefix("pages", "en")]: pages("en"),
singletons: {
[withI18nPrefix("metadata", "de")]: metadata("de"),
[withI18nPrefix("metadata", "en")]: metadata("en"),
create resource readers by passing the keystatic config and a mdx compiler function to
// ./lib/keystatic/readers.ts
import { createReaders } from "@acdh-oeaw/keystatic-lib/reader";
import { createFormatAwareProcessors } from "@mdx-js/mdx/internal-create-format-aware-processors";
import config from "../../keystatic.config";
function getMdxContent(code: string, locale: Locale, baseUrl: URL) {
const processor = await createFormatAwareProcessors({
/** Set this to `html` in astro. */
// elementAttributeNameCase: "html",
format: "mdx",
outputFormat: "function-body",
providerImportSource: "#",
/** ... */
const file = await processor.process(code);
return run(file, { ...runtime, baseUrl, useMDXComponents });
function useMDXComponents() {
/** Provide component mappings, which should be available to all mdx content. */
return {
// a: LocaleLink,
// Video,
const { createCollectionResource, createSingletonResource } = createReaders(config, getMdxContent);
export { createCollectionResource, createSingletonResource };
a reader has methods for reading a single resource entry (read
), reading all resource entries
), and returning a list of entry identifiers (list
a resource entry returns id
, collection
, and data
, as well as a compile
which can be used to transform rich-text field content to a jsx component.
// ./src/pages/[locale]/[id].astro
import type { GetStaticPathsResult } from "astro";
import { locales } from "@/config/i18n.config";
import Layout from "@/layouts/page-layout.astro";
import { createCollectionResource } from "@/lib/keystatic/readers";
export async function getStaticPaths() {
return (
await Promise.all(
locales.map(async (locale) => {
const ids = await createCollectionResource("pages", locale).list();
return ids.map((id) => {
return { params: { id, locale } };
).flat() satisfies GetStaticPathsResult;
const { id, locale } = Astro.params;
const page = await createCollectionResource("pages", locale).read(id);
const { content, image, title } = page.data;
const { default: Content } = await page.compile(content);
<Content />
// ./app/[locale]/[id]/page.tsx
import type { Locale } from "@/config/i18n.config";
import { createCollectionResource } from "@/lib/keystatic/readers";
interface PageProps {
params: {
id: string;
locale: Locale;
export const dynamicParams = false;
export async function generateStaticParams(props: PageProps) {
const { locale } = props.params;
const ids = await createCollectionResource("pages", locale).list();
return ids.map((id) => {
return { id };
export default async function Page(props: PageProps) {
const { id, locale } = props.params;
const page = await createCollectionResource("pages", locale).read(id);
const { title, image, content } = page.data;
const { default: Content } = await page.compile(content);
return (
<Content />